Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Regulation in Mass Media Essay

The responsibility of the FCC and their regulations are often questioned if they are necessary or not. By examining Horwitz’s â€Å"The Evolution of the American Telecommunication System and the Origin of Communication Regulation. ,† one could take the side that the regulation of media is necessary. Regulation of media is necessary to prevent a monopoly– which is one company controlling the entire market. If there was a monopoly on media then the company could charge and price whatever they want and only give service to those they wanted to. By having media regulations this is not able to happen. Natural monopolies in wired carriers, which are monopolies approved by the FCC, keep costs down and prevent a cluttering of wiring in the air or ripping up streets to install underground wiring. The first sign of natural monopoly was with AT&T and the telephone. According to Horowitz, it states: â€Å"Under the leadership of Theodor Vail, AT&T maintain the telephony constitution a natural monopoly. One policy, one system, and universal service’ was Vail’s ot-reapted slogan. † (Horowitz, Page 99) Vail argued that by having more then one provider there would be a waste of resources and if there was one provider pooling its resources they would be able to provide a better service to the customer. Though this might be true, unless there is regulation by the government this idea of natural monopoly would be horrible. Now the FCC regulates any kind of natural monopoly that exists within universal carriers of a med ia. The beginning of regulation began with the start of large scale communication, other then print, in 1835 when Samuel Morse proved a signal that could transmitted a message by wire. Morse used pulses of current to provide a written code on a strip of paper. This code became known as the Morse Code. Morse gave a public demonstration in 1838 to congress, but it took congress over five years to fund Morse’s experiment of the telegraph. Congress funded Morse $30,000 to construct a 40 mile experiment from Washington to Baltimore, using telegraph wire. It took six years before a message was sent and received over the telegraph wire. This was the first time a message had been transferred other then print or word of mouth. Western Union became the main provider of the telegraph service, and became a monopoly in 1867. The telegraph created the umbrella of commerce, which was the first time the government intervened with communications. According to Horwitz, a common carrier obligation was established for all carriers that provided service for the telegraph. Telegraph companies resemble railroad companies and other common carries, in that they are instruments of commerce and in that they exercise a public employment and are therefore bound to serve all customers alike without discriminations, they have doubtless a duty to the public to receive to the extent of there capacity all messages clearly and intelligible written and to transmit them upon reasonable terms but they are not common carriers, there duties are different and are perfo rmed in different ways and they are not subject the same liabilities. (Horowitz, Page 95, 96) What this law meant was that there could be no discrimination in who the provider wanted to extend service to. In 1895 the first radio message was transmitted by Marconi. Radio area waves were open to who ever could make a device to transmit messages to other people with the same device. Broadcasting became more and more popular. According to Horwitz, â€Å"broadcasting-the dissemination of electrical messages through the airwaves to an undifferentiated audience-may not have been contemplated, but it was inherited in the technology of radio. (Horowitz, Page 112) Radio became more and more popular and the government stepped in like they did with the telegraph and telephone and began regulating radio. The first major regulation was the Radio Act of 1912. Before this, radio waves were open to the public. The airwaves started to become too crowded and the U. S. government decided to take actio n. The Radio Act of 1912 established government control over the airwaves and created guidelines for issuing licenses and distributing radio airwaves. The Radio Act of 1927 was the second major act that was established to regulate the media industry. This act created the Federal Radio Communications (FRC), which was responsible for giving licenses to broadcasters. This act also made it so that the radio airwaves were a public resource. As a result, broadcasters were required to serve the public interest. The regulations of broadcasted media and the regulation of print media are different. The regulation of print deals with copyright laws. Anyone could publish anything they want but if some one uses someone else’s words without proper notation they could be sued. Print is regulated more when dealing with news print; for example the newspaper. Most print media would not use profanity or any kind of naked pictures. Print media is mostly written based on ethics. The writer tries not to take sides or out right seem bias towards one particular side. Broadcast media like radio have different kinds of regulations. In order to have air time on the radio one needs to have a license. Radio also must provide a public service toward the listener. Radio just like print media tends to stay away from profanity and over sexual connotations. Print media usually has a fee, whereas, radio is free to the public. Both of these media’s have regulations but have different kinds of regulations from the FCC. Overall, the world of mass media has many regulations that exist. These regulations are decided by the FCC, which is an independent government agency created under the Communications Act of 1934. At the beginning the FCC was responsible for regulating broadcast, telegraph, and telephone. Now the FCC has expanded its regulations to include new communication technologies such as: the satellite, microwave, cellular telephones, PCS service and private radio communications. As one could see, the responsibilities of the FCC are necessary in monitoring both the delivery system and the actual media itself. Overall, by using Horwitz’s â€Å"The Evolution of the American Telecommunication System and the Origin of Communication Regulation. ,† one could tell the history of regulation and how important it really is to the people.

Mousetrap Car

Law of Conservation of Energy said that Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it may be transformed from one form into another, but the total amount of energy never changes. By winding the spring on your mousetrap car, you store energy in the spring as potential energy. This stored potential energy will convert energy into kinetic energy as the mouse-trap car begins to move. But there is friction and in order to overcome friction you have to do more work.Friction converts energy into heat and sound which takes away energy from your motion, causing the car to stop as its energy is turned into other forms. When designing a mousetrap car, there are two variables that truly determine the overall performance: friction and energy. If my mousetrap car has too much friction, the energy in the spring will be turned too quickly and my mousetrap car will not travel very far or accelerate very fast. The smaller the friction is, the farther the mousetrap will move my car.It your car has a force advantage, then your car will move super fast Law of Conservation of Energy said that Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it may be transformed from one form into another, but the total amount of energy never changes. By winding the spring on your mousetrap car, you store energy in the spring as potential energy. This stored potential energy will convert energy into kinetic energy as the mouse-trap car begins to move. But there is friction and in order to overcome friction you have to do more work.Friction converts energy into heat and sound which takes away energy from your motion, causing the car to stop as its energy is turned into other forms. When designing a mousetrap car, there are two variables that truly determine the overall performance: friction and energy. If my mousetrap car has too much friction, the energy in the spring will be turned too quickly and my mousetrap car will not travel very far or accelerate very fast. The smaller the friction is, the farther the mous etrap will move my car. It your car has a force advantage, then your car will move super fast

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Fresh Water

Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful to humans. Uses of water include agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities. Virtually all of these human uses require fresh water. 97% of water on the Earth is salt water, and only 3% is fresh water of which slightly over two thirds is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. [1] The remaining unfrozen freshwater is mainly found as groundwater, with only a small fraction present above ground or in the air. 2] Fresh water is a renewable resource, yet the world's supply of clean, fresh water is steadily decreasing. Water demand already exceeds supply in many parts of the world and as the world population continues to rise, so too does the water demand. Awareness of the global importance of preserving water for ecosystem services has only recently emerged as, during the 20th century, more than half the world’s wetlands have been lost along with their valuable environmenta l services.Biodiversity-rich freshwater ecosystems are currently declining faster than marine or land ecosystems. [3] The framework for allocating water resources to water users (where such a framework exists) is known as water rights. [pic] [pic] A graphical distribution of the locations of water on Earth. |Contents | |[hide] | |1 Sources of fresh water | |1. Surface water | |1. 2 Under river flow | |1. 3 Ground water | |1. 4 Desalination | |1. 5 Frozen water | |2 Uses of fresh water | |2. 1 Agricultural | |2. Industrial | |2. 3 Household | |2. 4 Recreation | |2. 5 Environmental | |3 Water stress | |3. 1 Population growth | |3. 2 Expansion of business activity | |3. Rapid urbanization | |3. 4 Climate change | |3. 5 Depletion of aquifers | |3. 6 Pollution and water protection | |3. 7 Water and conflict | |4 World water supply and distribution | |5 Economic considerations | |5. Business response | |6 See also | |7 Further reading | |8 Notes | |9 References | |10 External links | [pic ][edit] Sources of fresh water [edit] Surface water Main article: Surface water [pic] [pic]Lake Chungara and Parinacota volcano in northern Chile Surface water is water in a river, lake or fresh water wetland. Surface water is naturally replenished by precipitation and naturally lost through discharge to the oceans, evaporation, and sub-surface seepage. Although the only natural input to any surface water system is precipitation within its watershed, the total quantity of water in that system at any given time is also dependent on many other factors. These factors include storage capacity in lakes, wetlands and artificial reservoirs, the permeability of the soil eneath these storage bodies, the runoff characteristics of the land in the watershed, the timing of the precipitation and local evaporation rates. All of these factors also affect the proportions of water lost. Human activities can have a large and sometimes devastating impact on these factors. Humans often increase storage capacity by constructing reservoirs and decrease it by draining wetlands. Humans often increase runoff quantities and velocities by paving areas and channelizing stream flow. The total quantity of water available at any given time is an important consideration.Some human water users have an intermittent need for water. For example, many farms require large quantities of water in the spring, and no water at all in the winter. To supply such a farm with water, a surface water system may require a large storage capacity to collect water throughout the year and release it in a short period of time. Other users have a continuous need for water, such as a power plant that requires water for cooling. To supply such a power plant with water, a surface water system only needs enough storage capacity to fill in when average stream flow is below the power plant's need.Nevertheless, over the long term the average rate of precipitation within a watershed is the upper bound for average consumptio n of natural surface water from that watershed. Natural surface water can be augmented by importing surface water from another watershed through a canal or pipeline. It can also be artificially augmented from any of the other sources listed here, however in practice the quantities are negligible. Humans can also cause surface water to be â€Å"lost† (i. e. become unusable) through pollution. Brazil is the country estimated to have the largest supply of fresh water in the world, followed by Russia and Canada. 4] [edit] Under river flow Throughout the course of the river, the total volume of water transported downstream will often be a combination of the visible free water flow together with a substantial contribution flowing through sub-surface rocks and gravels that underlie the river and its floodplain called the hyporheic zone. For many rivers in large valleys, this unseen component of flow may greatly exceed the visible flow. The hyporheic zone often forms a dynamic interf ace between surface water and true ground-water receiving water from he ground water when aquifers are fully charged and contributing water to ground-water when ground waters are depleted. This is especially significant in karst areas where pot-holes and underground rivers are common. [edit] Ground water Main article: Groundwater [pic] [pic] Sub-Surface water travel time [pic] [pic] Shipot, a common water source in Ukrainian villages Sub-surface water, or groundwater, is fresh water located in the pore space of soil and rocks. It is also water that is flowing within aquifers below the water table.Sometimes it is useful to make a distinction between sub-surface water that is closely associated with surface water and deep sub-surface water in an aquifer (sometimes called â€Å"fossil water†). Sub-surface water can be thought of in the same terms as surface water: inputs, outputs and storage. The critical difference is that due to its slow rate of turnover, sub-surface water sto rage is generally much larger compared to inputs than it is for surface water. This difference makes it easy for humans to use sub-surface water unsustainably for a long time without severe consequences.Nevertheless, over the long term the average rate of seepage above a sub-surface water source is the upper bound for average consumption of water from that source. The natural input to sub-surface water is seepage from surface water. The natural outputs from sub-surface water are springs and seepage to the oceans. If the surface water source is also subject to substantial evaporation, a sub-surface water source may become saline. This situation can occur naturally under endorheic bodies of water, or artificially under irrigated farmland.In coastal areas, human use of a sub-surface water source may cause the direction of seepage to ocean to reverse which can also cause soil salinization. Humans can also cause sub-surface water to be â€Å"lost† (i. e. become unusable) through p ollution. Humans can increase the input to a sub-surface water source by building reservoirs or detention ponds. [edit] Desalination Main article: Desalination Desalination is an artificial process by which saline water (generally sea water) is converted to fresh water. The most common desalination processes are distillation and reverse osmosis.Desalination is currently expensive compared to most alternative sources of water, and only a very small fraction of total human use is satisfied by desalination. It is only economically practical for high-valued uses (such as household and industrial uses) in arid areas. The most extensive use is in the Persian Gulf. [edit] Frozen water [pic] [pic] An iceberg as seen from Newfoundland Several schemes have been proposed to make use of icebergs as a water source, however to date this has only been done for novelty purposes. Glacier runoff is considered to be surface water.The Himalayas, which are often called â€Å"The Roof of the World†, contain some of the most extensive and rough high altitude areas on Earth as well as the greatest area of glaciers and permafrost outside of the poles. Ten of Asia’s largest rivers flow from there, and more than a billion people’s livelihoods depend on them. To complicate matters, temperatures are rising more rapidly here than the global average. In Nepal the temperature has risen with 0. 6 degree over the last decade, whereas the global warming has been around 0. 7 over the last hundred years. [5] edit] Uses of fresh water Uses of fresh water can be categorized as consumptive and non-consumptive (sometimes called â€Å"renewable†). A use of water is consumptive if that water is not immediately available for another use. Losses to sub-surface seepage and evaporation are considered consumptive, as is water incorporated into a product (such as farm produce). Water that can be treated and returned as surface water, such as sewage, is generally considered non-con sumptive if that water can be put to additional use. [edit] Agricultural [pic] [pic] A farm in OntarioIt is estimated that 69% of worldwide water use is for irrigation, with 15-35% of irrigation withdrawals being unsustainable. [6] In some areas of the world irrigation is necessary to grow any crop at all, in other areas it permits more profitable crops to be grown or enhances crop yield. Various irrigation methods involve different trade-offs between crop yield, water consumption and capital cost of equipment and structures. Irrigation methods such as furrow and overhead sprinkler irrigation are usually less expensive but are also typically less efficient, because much of the water evaporates, runs off or drains below the root zone.Other irrigation methods considered to be more efficient include drip or trickle irrigation, surge irrigation, and some types of sprinkler systems where the sprinklers are operated near ground level. These types of systems, while more expensive, usually offer greater potential to minimize runoff, drainage and evaporation. Any system that is improperly managed can be wasteful, all methods have the potential for high efficiencies under suitable conditions, appropriate irrigation timing and management. One issue that is often insufficiently considered is salinization of sub-surface water.Aquaculture is a small but growing agricultural use of water. Freshwater commercial fisheries may also be considered as agricultural uses of water, but have generally been assigned a lower priority than irrigation (see Aral Sea and Pyramid Lake). As global populations grow, and as demand for food increases in a world with a fixed water supply, there are efforts underway to learn how to produce more food with less water, through improvements in irrigation[7] methods[8] and technologies, agricultural water management, crop types, and water monitoring. [edit] Industrial pic] [pic] A power plant in Poland It is estimated that 22% of worldwide water use is industrial. [6] Major industrial users include power plants, which use water for cooling or as a power source (i. e. hydroelectric plants), ore and oil refineries, which use water in chemical processes, and manufacturing plants, which use water as a solvent. The portion of industrial water usage that is consumptive varies widely, but as a whole is lower than agricultural use. Water is used in power generation. Hydroelectricity is electricity obtained from hydropower.Hydroelectric power comes from water driving a water turbine connected to a generator. Hydroelectricity is a low-cost, non-polluting, renewable energy source. The energy is supplied by the sun. Heat from the sun evaporates water, which condenses as rain in higher altitudes, from where it flows down. Pressurized water is used in water blasting and water jet cutters. Also, very high pressure water guns are used for precise cutting. It works very well, is relatively safe, and is not harmful to the environment. It is also u sed in the cooling of machinery to prevent over-heating, or prevent saw blades from over-heating.Water is also used in many industrial processes and machines, such as the steam turbine and heat exchanger, in addition to its use as a chemical solvent. Discharge of untreated water from industrial uses is pollution. Pollution includes discharged solutes (chemical pollution) and discharged coolant water (thermal pollution). Industry requires pure water for many applications and utilizes a variety of purification techniques both in water supply and discharge. [edit] Household [pic] [pic] Drinking water It is estimated that 8% of worldwide water use is for household purposes. 6] These include drinking water, bathing, cooking, sanitation, and gardening. Basic household water requirements have been estimated by Peter Gleick at around 50 liters per person per day, excluding water for gardens. Drinking water is water that is of sufficiently high quality so that it can be consumed or used with out risk of immediate or long term harm. Such water is commonly called potable water. In most developed countries, the water supplied to households, commerce and industry is all of drinking water standard even though only a very small proportion is actually consumed or used in food preparation. edit] Recreation [pic] [pic] Whitewater rapids Recreational water use is usually a very small but growing percentage of total water use. Recreational water use is mostly tied to reservoirs. If a reservoir is kept fuller than it would otherwise be for recreation, then the water retained could be categorized as recreational usage. Release of water from a few reservoirs is also timed to enhance whitewater boating, which also could be considered a recreational usage. Other examples are anglers, water skiers, nature enthusiasts and swimmers. Recreational usage is usually non-consumptive.Golf courses are often targeted as using excessive amounts of water, especially in drier regions. It is, however , unclear whether recreational irrigation (which would include private gardens) has a noticeable effect on water resources. This is largely due to the unavailability of reliable data. Additionally, many golf courses utilize either primarily or exclusively treated effluent water, which has little impact on potable water availability. Some governments, including the Californian Government, have labelled golf course usage as agricultural in order to deflect environmentalists' charges of wasting water.However, using the above figures as a basis, the actual statistical effect of this reassignment is close to zero. In Arizona, an organized lobby has been established in the form of the Golf Industry Association, a group focused on educating the public on how golf impacts the environment. Recreational usage may reduce the availability of water for other users at specific times and places. For example, water retained in a reservoir to allow boating in the late summer is not available to farm ers during the spring planting season.Water released for whitewater rafting may not be available for hydroelectric generation during the time of peak electrical demand. [edit] Environmental Explicit environmental water use is also a very small but growing percentage of total water use. Environmental water usage includes artificial wetlands, artificial lakes intended to create wildlife habitat, fish ladders , and water releases from reservoirs timed to help fish spawn. Like recreational usage, environmental usage is non-consumptive but may reduce the availability of water for other users at specific times and places.For example, water release from a reservoir to help fish spawn may not be available to farms upstream. [edit] Water stress [pic] [pic] Best estimate of the share of people in developing countries with access to drinking water 1970–2000. Main articles: Water crisis and Water stress The concept of water stress is relatively simple: According to the World Business Cou ncil for Sustainable Development, it applies to situations where there is not enough water for all uses, whether agricultural, industrial or domestic.Defining thresholds for stress in terms of available water per capita is more complex, however, entailing assumptions about water use and its efficiency. Nevertheless, it has been proposed that when annual per capita renewable freshwater availability is less than 1,700 cubic meters, countries begin to experience periodic or regular water stress. Below 1,000 cubic meters, water scarcity begins to hamper economic development and human health and well-being. [edit] Population growth In 2000, the world population was 6. 2 billion. The UN estimates that by 2050 there will be an additional 3. billion people with most of the growth in developing countries that already suffer water stress. [9] Thus, water demand will increase unless there are corresponding increases in water conservation and recycling of this vital resource. [10] [edit] Expans ion of business activity Business activity ranging from industrialization to services such as tourism and entertainment continues to expand rapidly. This expansion requires increased water services including both supply and sanitation, which can lead to more pressure on water resources and natural ecosystems. edit] Rapid urbanization The trend towards urbanization is accelerating. Small private wells and septic tanks that work well in low-density communities are not feasible within high-density urban areas. Urbanization requires significant investment in water infrastructure in order to deliver water to individuals and to process the concentrations of wastewater – both from individuals and from business. These polluted and contaminated waters must be treated or they pose unacceptable public health risks.In 60% of European cities with more than 100,000 people, groundwater is being used at a faster rate than it can be replenished. [11] Even if some water remains available, it c osts more and more to capture it. [edit] Climate change Climate change could have significant impacts on water resources around the world because of the close connections between the climate and hydrological cycle. Rising temperatures will increase evaporation and lead to increases in precipitation, though there will be regional variations in rainfall. Overall, the global supply of freshwater will increase.Both droughts and floods may become more frequent in different regions at different times, and dramatic changes in snowfall and snow melt are expected in mountainous areas. Higher temperatures will also affect water quality in ways that are not well understood. Possible impacts include increased eutrophication. Climate change could also mean an increase in demand for farm irrigation, garden sprinklers, and perhaps even swimming pools [edit] Depletion of aquifers Due to the expanding human population, competition for water is growing such that many of the worlds major aquifers are becoming depleted.This is due both for direct human consumption as well as agricultural irrigation by groundwater. Millions of pumps of all sizes are currently extracting groundwater throughout the world. Irrigation in dry areas such as northern China and India is supplied by groundwater, and is being extracted at an unsustainable rate. Cities that have experienced aquifer drops between 10 to 50 meters include Mexico City, Bangkok, Manila, Beijing, Madras and Shanghai. [12] [edit] Pollution and water protection Main article: Water pollution [pic] [pic] Polluted waterWater pollution is one of the main concerns of the world today. The governments of numerous countries have strived to find solutions to reduce this problem. Many pollutants threaten water supplies, but the most widespread, especially in developing countries, is the discharge of raw sewage into natural waters; this method of sewage disposal is the most common method in underdeveloped countries, but also is prevalent in qu asi-developed countries such as China, India and Iran. Sewage, sludge, garbage, and even toxic pollutants are all dumped into the water. Even if ewage is treated, problems still arise. Treated sewage forms sludge, which may be placed in landfills, spread out on land, incinerated or dumped at sea. [13] In addition to sewage, nonpoint source pollution such as agricultural runoff is a significant source of pollution in some parts of the world, along with urban stormwater runoff and chemical wastes dumped by industries and governments. [edit] Water and conflict The only known example of an actual inter-state conflict over water took place between 2500 and 2350 BC between the Sumerian states of Lagash and Umma. 14] Yet, despite the lack of evidence of international wars being fought over water alone, water has been the source of various conflicts throughout history. When water scarcity causes political tensions to arise, this is referred to as water stress. Water stress has led most ofte n to conflicts at local and regional levels. [15] Using a purely quantitative methodology, Thomas Homer-Dixon successfully correlated water scarcity and scarcity of available arable lands to an increased chance of violent conflict. 16] Water stress can also exacerbate conflicts and political tensions which are not directly caused by water. Gradual reductions over time in the quality and/or quantity of fresh water can add to the instability of a region by depleting the health of a population, obstructing economic development, and exacerbating larger conflicts. [17] Conflicts and tensions over water are most likely to arise within national borders, in the downstream areas of distressed river basins.Areas such as the lower regions of China's Yellow River or the Chao Phraya River in Thailand, for example, have already been experiencing water stress for several years. Additionally, certain arid countries which rely heavily on water for irrigation, such as China, India, Iran, and Pakistan , are particularly at risk of water-related conflicts. [17] Political tensions, civil protest, and violence may also occur in reaction to water privatization. The Bolivian Water Wars of 2000 are a case in point. [edit] World water supply and distributionFood and water are two basic human needs. However, global coverage figures from 2002 indicate that, of every 10 people: †¢ roughly 5 have a connection to a piped water supply at home (in their dwelling, plot or yard); †¢ 3 make use of some other sort of improved water supply, such as a protected well or public standpipe; †¢ 2 are unserved; †¢ In addition, 4 out of every 10 people live without improved sanitation. [6] At Earth Summit 2002 governments approved a Plan of Action to: †¢ Halve by 2015 the proportion of people unable to reach or afford safe drinking water.The Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 Report (GWSSAR) defines â€Å"Reasonable access† to water as at least 20 liters per person per day from a source within one kilometer of the user’s home. †¢ Halve the proportion of people without access to basic sanitation. The GWSSR defines â€Å"Basic sanitation† as private or shared but not public disposal systems that separate waste from human contact. As the picture shows, in 2025, water shortages will be more prevalent among poorer countries where resources are limited and population growth is rapid, such as the Middle East, Africa, and parts of Asia.By 2025, large urban and peri-urban areas will require new infrastructure to provide safe water and adequate sanitation. This suggests growing conflicts with agricultural water users, who currently consume the majority of the water used by humans. Generally speaking the more developed countries of North America, Europe and Russia will not see a serious threat to water supply by the year 2025, not only because of their relative wealth, but more importantly their populations will be better aligne d with available water resources.North Africa, the Middle East, South Africa and northern China will face very severe water shortages due to physical scarcity and a condition of overpopulation relative to their carrying capacity with respect to water supply. Most of South America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southern China and India will face water supply shortages by 2025; for these latter regions the causes of scarcity will be economic constraints to developing safe drinking water, as well as excessive population growth. 1. billion people have gained access to a safe water source since 1990. [18] The proportion of people in developing countries with access to safe water is calculated to have improved from 30 percent in 1970[19] to 71 percent in 1990, 79 percent in 2000 and 84 percent in 2004. This trend is projected to continue. [18] [edit] Economic considerations Water supply and sanitation require a huge amount of capital investment in infrastructure such as pipe networks, pumping stati ons and water treatment works.It is estimated that Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations need to invest at least USD 200 billion per year to replace aging water infrastructure to guarantee supply, reduce leakage rates and protect water quality. [20] International attention has focused upon the needs of the developing countries. To meet the Millennium Development Goals targets of halving the proportion of the population lacking access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015, current annual investment on the order of USD 10 to USD 15 billion would need to be roughly doubled.This does not include investments required for the maintenance of existing infrastructure. [21] Once infrastructure is in place, operating water supply and sanitation systems entails significant ongoing costs to cover personnel, energy, chemicals, maintenance and other expenses. The sources of money to meet these capital and operational costs are essentially either user f ees, public funds or some combination of the two. But this is where the economics of water management start to become extremely complex as they intersect with social and broader economic policy.Such policy questions are beyond the scope of this article, which has concentrated on basic information about water availability and water use. They are, nevertheless, highly relevant to understanding how critical water issues will affect business and industry in terms of both risks and opportunities. [edit] Business response The World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its H2OScenarios engaged in a scenario building process to: †¢ Clarify and enhance understanding by business of the key issues and drivers of change related to water. Promote mutual understanding between the business community and non-business stakeholders on water management issues. †¢ Support effective business action as part of the solution to sustainable water management. It concludes that: †¢ B usiness cannot survive in a society that thirsts. †¢ One does not have to be in the water business to have a water crisis.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Chinese experimental theatre is a hybrid product characterised by a Essay

Chinese experimental theatre is a hybrid product characterised by a convergence of extra- cultural and intra- cultural - Essay Example One of the most famous theater directors in China’s avant-garde theater is Meng Jinghui. Meng Jinghui became attracted to Chinese literature while completing his secondary school education. Meng Jinghui became interested in acting while pursuing an undergraduate degree at the Capital Normal University. Meng Jinghui perceives that his debut into acting was a causal attribution of a metamorphosis in his life. Meng Jinghui’s initial acting part was that of a Kuomintang infantryman, it was a silent part. Meng Jinghui’s first speaking acting part was as a chef where he stated: â€Å"Meal time, meal time†. Meng Jinghui acknowledges that the art of acting open a window for him to all of the advanced cultures of the world and their diverse literary perspectives. As a college senior, Meng Jinghui was introduced to avant- garde playwrighting when he readapted the Story of Western Chamber. This was a Yuan dynasty romantic opera. Meng Jinghui adapted the romantic oper a into a modern comedy with three distinct endings. One of the endings was an adaptation of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. While studying at the university, Meng Jinghui was able to interpret works by Pinter, Ionesco, Beckett and Genet. Meng Jinghui learned that farcical theatrical presentations reaffirmed the concepts which he would late apply. These concepts consisted of injecting comedy and musical interludes into his playwrighting. In 1992, Meng Jinghui was able to find suitable employment with the National Theatre Company of China. This occurred consequent to his graduation from the Capital Normal University (China Culture 2006). In the years which followed, Meng Jinghui directed over ten major Chinese theatrical presentations. Meng Jinghui’s major theatrical presentations include: Comrade AhQ, Waiting for Godot, The Accidental Death of an Anarchist, Rhinoceros in Love, Si Fan, The Balcony, I love XXX and Bootleg Faust. Meng Jinghui’s specialty is to dissect the work of other playwrights, reinterpret them and then to aggregate a comical and musical perspective to them. Meng Jinghui’s specialty also includes the ability to interpret these works and to present them within the parameters of the requisites of the Chinese government (China Culture 2006). Many of China’s leading playwrights have selected Henrik Ibsen’s style of realism as the predominant style in theatrical presentation. Other playwrights are considered in the production of Chinese theatre. These playwrights are Anton Checkhov, George Bernard Shaw, and Constantin Stanislavsky. Henrik Ibsen’s style of realism is considered in the light of China’s socio- economic context (Zhao 2010). Meng Jinghui’s theatrical presentations also represents and appeals to members of the audience who advocate change irrespective of gender (Roberts 2006). One of the most highly acclaimed modern drams in Chinese theatre is Rhinoceros in Love. This d rama tells the story of a zoological park attendant whose name is Ma Lu. Ma Lu becomes romantically and erotically obsessed with a woman who is beyond his reach Mingming. Ma Lu in his incessant desire for Mingming displays a twenty first century aspect of Chinese theatre. This aspect contrasts physical desires and spiritual desires (National Theatre of China 2011). Rhinoceros in Love tells the story of Ma Lu’s desire and the beautiful and non reactive Mingming. In the drama, Ma Lu attempts to elicit desire and jealousy from Mingming y pretending to acquire two girl

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Develop work priorities bsbcmn402a final assessment task a Coursework - 1

Develop work priorities bsbcmn402a final assessment task a - Coursework Example c. Since the author of this paper had been subjected to different responsibilities of assuring the value of the products of the organization as they are kept for warehousing purposes, it could be noted that he too has been able to find better ways to assure that the procurement of the said products are handled successfully giving fine returns for the organization. c. Through coming up with a systematic sense of handling the materials that are used and distributed by the organization for better market service, the author of this assessment was able to further improve his capability to manage the process of keeping good care of the items that the organization give much importance to while securing the financial values of the company. a. Performs duties as alternate safety advisor performs weekly and monthly fire extinguisher and emergency wash stations inspections in battery charging areas. The main idea of the enhancement of the capability to handle safety measures is to remain aware of the ways by which the equipments and other electrical appliances used by the organization for business operation are in top condition. Taking control of this responsibility enhances the awareness of the author making it easier for him to constantly assure of the safety he needs protecting himself and the people working around him. c. Mentored three employees over last 2 years showing them the most efficient and safest way to perform such tasks as in-checking containers, rotating and stocking product, completing ‘cyclic’ and yearly inventories, and properly palletizing product on pallets for shipment. Besides building camaraderie with other workers in the organization, this particular task made the author a better leader assuring the capability of each company personnel to provide the best service needed by the business to remain at the top of the list of the companies competing within the said industry. a. Has knowledge in all facets of warehouse

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Why inventory management is important to a production company Term Paper

Why inventory management is important to a production company - Term Paper Example to enhance overall internal organizational efficiency, and dictates the degree to which raw materials are ordered as part of the supply chain strategy. Managing inventories involves maintaining an understanding of the exact quantity of finished product which is currently sitting idle in company inventories. Some companies produce larger volumes of finished product based on forecasts or customer demand, allowing their finished goods inventories to remain well-stocked in order to maintain a prepared business stance. Others prefer a more lean production schedule, avoiding issues of high taxation due to large inventory volumes and as a means to reduce the costs of securing raw supply chain products. Whatever methodology of production deemed necessary to meet customer demand, it is highly crucial to manage inventory volumes from a manufacturing forecast perspective. If the organization maintains a wide variety of external customers, each with a differing supply schedule, coordinating manufacturing activities to satisfy this demand becomes increasingly difficult. Thus, there are generally capacity issues on the production floor, stemming from the tangible ability to produce high volumes of product in a fast turn-around production floor. For instance, consider a company which produces zippers for a wide variety of clothing companies. This company’s largest customer orders thousands of zippers each month, thus the production facility will produce a high volume of product in several batch runs, eventually storing them in finished goods inventory to await final delivery to the customer. However, this customer suddenly reduces its forecasted totals and radically reduces its zip per orders for the next three months consecutively. It is at this point that the company must have a clear understanding of what currently exists in its inventories to avoid the labor costs associated with over-production. When planning production schedules, the responsible individuals can view a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Criminal Behavior and the Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Criminal Behavior and the Law - Essay Example Finally, the paper will discuss the differences between index-one and index-two crimes under the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports, as well as which of the two is classified under violent crime and the one classified under property crime. To begin with, criminologist and criminalists are terms more than often used interchangeably, according to Williams and McShane (2004). However, the two terms have some distinct differences that are worth noting. Williams and McShane (2004) note that criminologists deal with the study of behaviors of an individual in relation to crime, individuals who commits the crimes being studied, as well as the correctional facilities for criminals such as jails and prisons. This falls under criminology, which covers various fields of criminal justice, with emphasis on social behavior. Criminalists, on the other hand, are professionals charged with the responsibility of analysis criminal evidence at the scenes of crime such as bullets and bloodstains (Williams and McShane, 2004). They are also charged with the responsibility of recreating crimes scenes, work at crime scenes, laboratories, and courtrooms. Criminologists engage mainly in teaching and research, where they apply the knowledge to the administration and policing, study of public policy, drug addictions, correction, juvenile delinquency, correctional administration and policy, and victimology. Other areas of study include criminal ethnography, theoretical criminology and models or criminal behaviors (Williams and McShane, 2004). Criminologists also assist in analyzing psychological, sociological, and biological evidence such as finger and footprints, body fluids, and blood plaster using their skills and knowledge to establish the link between the suspect and the crime. Criminalist, on the other hand, is a professional who employs scientific techniques to identify and separate vital evidence from the scene of a crime (Williams and McShane, 2004). The evidence gathered is analyze d and interpret, establish the truth as regards the crime. Forensic psychologists are professionals who by virtue of their training apply psychology in a criminal investigation and law (Fulero and Wrightsman, 2009). Forensic psychologists play a big role in assisting fact finders or courts in arriving at a just and precise conclusion of a criminal case. They are often involved in insurance claims, custody disputes, and lawsuits, according to Fulero and Wrightsman (2009). Legal justice system uses forensic psychologists in analyzing the mental status of the accused before, during, and after the trial proceedings. For instance, criminal cases whose verdicts may be death penalty always require that before the accused is handed the sentence, a forensic psychologist is called to analyze the defendants mental status before, during and after the crime to establish whether the defendant was insane at the time of the crime or not. The analysis of mental status of the defendant in a case is i mportant since it aids in just and accurate decision making by the jury. White-collar vs. Blue-collar crimes Crimes are committed by different classes of people. In this regard, O'Hear (2001) defines the white-collar crime as a financially motivated crime committed by respected people with high social status in society. This crime is committed by high-class individuals who have inherited or earn a lot of money at the upper level jobs such as corporate bigwigs (O'Hear,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

From book Matilda by Roald Dahl. Chose 1 quote from chapters 1-8 and Essay

From book Matilda by Roald Dahl. Chose 1 quote from chapters 1-8 and write a personal reflection on it - Essay Example Disappointed with the provincialism of her parents, Matlida finds an emotional escape by reading books. Her parents, however, fail to recognize that Matilda’s intellect was far above her years. They expressly oppose the idea of any books in the house, emphasizing that she should follow her brothers example of investing all the time in television. Through this fictional portrayal of parenting in the contemporary world, Roald Dahl directs the attention of the audience to this grave and largely unnoticed issue. Family, the basic unit of a society is fundamental in nurturing children in order to prepare them for future roles. Unfortunately, today’s modern families are failing to fulfil this obligation. This quote highlights how parents nowadays are engrossed in their own lives, with little interest and attention towards children. It reflects the adverse effects of technological developments in majority of households. Today, child abuse and neglect has become a serious menace to society. This can be solely attributed to change in parental preferences. In today’s age, modern inventions such as televisions, computers, and cell phones have become an imperative component of everyday life. By and large, people fail to establish healthy and beneficial use limits for these inventions. Not surprisingly, time completely drained in such useless pursuits has resulted in dramatic decline in the relative importance of relations of all sorts. Family structures collapse as modern inventions replace parents. Matilda’s parents pay no attention to her needs and only castigate her further for developing habits different from theirs such as reading books. Mr Wormwood constantly denounces her for wasting her time in books as evident from this quote. Similarly, Mrs. Wormwood also explains to her daughter how brainy girls dedicated to studying

According to what we have learned by reading Imagine book, how could Essay

According to what we have learned by reading Imagine book, how could you help yourself be more creative (from page - Essay Example Creativity holds no specific definition due to the broad concepts it encompasses. In this regard, scientific principles can also be factored in in creativity pursuits, especially in regard to more creativity in an individual. According to Jonah Lehrer (3), the brain acts as the central nerve to creativity. However, there are other complementing variables to the creativity process. These variables are generally the day to day surrounding that a person finds him/herself in, actions and activities undertaken by others, and all other influential factors that directly or indirectly impact on the life of an individual. More creativity can be realized from putting the brain to work (Lehrer 13). This is basically becoming more open minded, embracing diverse mindsets and evaluating a scenario in more than one aspect. Although creativity could be said to have been realized prior to undertaking this process, this still serves a better ground to realize more creativity. This brain technique to making oneself more creative works based on the fact that it personally allows the treatment of the same thing in a number of ways. In so doing, there is more than just a single approach to a brain-based activity. In the process, an advanced version of creativity could result. Personal success or failure is another way to enhance more creativity. Jonah Lehrer presents the case of Dylan (Lehrer 17) to depict this scenario. Characterized by frustration, failure or even success, it is possible to boost creativity, and specifically realize even more creativity. What defines success or failure is the individual’s goals and objectives in life. While some achievements are deemed success by other people, others could account for the same achievements as failure, and subsequently frustrations. This means that creativity is uniquely customized to oneself, and the various levels of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

High School Graduation Ceremony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

High School Graduation Ceremony - Essay Example It could never have brought more joy to my family and me as it marked a great step in my academic and social life. This is mainly because, I was going to process to my next level of education, and this would mean a lot especially to my parents who were eager to see me complete my education in a successful manner. To me, it meant relieving myself of some academic stress as I set my eyes on college education. On the other hand, it was a turning point in my social life in many aspects mainly because I was going to change my learning environment. This is especially what excited meowing to the numerous enticing stories I had heard concerning higher education. Due to enthusiasm about completing my high school education, I together with my parents planned appropriately to ensure that the graduation ceremony was a success. This was particularly so because I was in the process of transition to new levels of academic engagements and, therefore, I had to bid farewell to the high school life tog ether with my friends. Concerning my social life, I had great anticipations that high school graduation was going to be the turning point by influencing the kinds of friends I was going to make in my future life. Although I had good friends in high school, I was very anxious on that day because I was sure that I was going to make even more friends and perhaps take my relationships to the next level. In this respect, I vividly remember talking with friends about the kind of life and friends that we were to expect once we would be enrolled for colleges. Since I was leaving my friends in order to go and make new friends, I had to make the day memorable by inviting friends and families. What particularly motivated me was the fact that I would miss most of my friends whereby I was going to meet strangers and make new friends. Thus, the social aspect of my graduation ceremony was a real factor to reckon with. In the above regards, my graduation ceremony was a colorful one thanks to many f riends and relatives who gave a helping hand in the planning and organizing parts.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

British Airways and its predecessor companies Essay

British Airways and its predecessor companies - Essay Example Two other airlines, Handley page, and Instone, were established using modified bombers. The three companies underwent a period of great difficulty, especially competition from French airlines, which were cheaper. To solve these problems, they merged to be joined later by British Marine Air Navigation, forming Imperial Airways. Imperial Airways began local and overseas flights immediately, flying as far as Egypt and India with a crew of 250 and a fleet of 18 crafts (Gaskell, 2010). This paper is an essay on British Airways. Later, Imperial Airways was a Brisbane, Australia route, whose duration would take grueling 12 days. The new airline added new planes such as the short S.23 C-class model, which signified that the airline was growing, as was a new carrier British Airways limited (Gaskell, 2010). After the start of the 1st World War, these two merged to form British Overseas Airways Corporation, which re-started its transatlantic flights after the war ended. In addition, they create d the BEA, a new airline to handle the European flights. At this point, the carriers needed to order new and more efficient aircraft. BOAC consequently ordered the Boeing Strato-cruiser, the Lockheed Constellation, and a Rolls-Royce engine equipped version of the DC-4. It did not take long before they ordered a jet plane, the De Havilland Comet, which dramatically reduced the length of trans-Atlantic flights (Marriott, 2010). The early 60’s saw BOAC order the Rolls-Royce Conway engine driven 707-436 to tide over until the VC-10s were ready. By 1970, with the first 747 and rapid growth, BOAC and BAL were ready to merge and work as one, establishing British Airways in 1976. BA’s most crucial year was 1976; it had a partnership with Concorde, coupled with big fleets of Lockheed TriStar and Boeing 747.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Quiet American by Graham Greene Essay Example for Free

The Quiet American by Graham Greene Essay The Quiet American, is more than a political statement about whether or not America or any other country for that matter should become involved in the affairs of another country; Greene makes the question human and personal. The novel can be read as a political and moral reflection on the opening stages of the United States’ involvement in Southeast Asia. Therefore, Greene’s novel becomes a commentary on the pointlessness of the United States’ later investment of men and material in a political action that could only end, as it did for the French, in defeat. The Quiet American is considered one of Graham Greene’s major achievements. The story is told with excellent characterization and sophisticated irony. The plot bears a resemblance to that of a mystery story. A crime has been committed. Who is the murderer? As in most mystery stories, as much needs to be learned about the victim as about the villain. Yet what is learned takes on political, moral, and religious significance. The story ends in mystery as well. Who exactly killed Pyle is not revealed, but the burden of the crime, like the burden of telling the story, is Fowler’s. The large-scale political thesis of the novel is that American interference in the internal affairs of another country can only result in suffering, death, and defeat, and is not morally justifiable because of abstract idealism. This is not the only meaning of consequence in the novel, and given the course of later events, its importance may be blown out of proportion. The lesson, however, is clearly explained by a French aviator with â€Å"orders to shoot anything in sight. Captain Trouin confides to Fowler that he detests napalm bombing: â€Å"We all get involved in a moment of emotion, and then we cannot get out,† he explains. Trouin understands that the French cannot win the war in Indochina: â€Å"But we are professionals; we have to go on fighting till the politicians tell us to stop,† he says with bitter resignation. â€Å"Probably they will get together and agree to the same peace that we could have had at the beginning, making nonsense of all these years. Greene’s political objective is clearly to make a mockery the notion of a â€Å"Third Force† in Asian politics, countering the threat of Communism and replacing the rationale of colonialism as an explanation for Western involvement. Because of Greene’s apparent anti-American bias, the novel was not popular in the United States. It is no wonder then that Greene’s warning about Vietnam was not taken seriously, even though later events tended to validate the wisdom f his political analysis. Thus Graham Greene summarizes the lesson of Vietnam fully ten years before the American government expanded its military commitm ent to fill the vacuum left by the defeated French. The Quiet American is a shocking novel of political prophecy. Its mystery story characteristics perhaps better define its interest to the average reader, as Greene’s unreliable narrator gradually provides the details leading up to Pyle’s death. The dramatic focus concerns the conflict between Fowler and Pyle over love and the politics of war, the contest between Fowler and Vigot, who knows that Fowler was responsible for Pyle’s death but cannot prove it, and, finally, Fowler’s internal conflict, his beliefs of noninvolvement transformed by circumstances and emotion to a position of murderous intervention. â€Å"Sooner or later,† the Communist Heng tells Fowler, â€Å"one has to take sides if one is to remain human. Perhaps Fowler finally â€Å"takes sides† because he understands how dangerous Pyle’s blind idealism can be, but his motives are not entirely clear because of his dependence on Phuong. Fowler does not idolize her, as does the more romantic Pyle, who sincerely cares for Phuong but is absolutely unfeeling about the rest of the native population. Pyle believes in the political theory of York Harding (a name that links a less-than-stunning American president with a patriotic war he ro) and the need for a â€Å"Third Force† (American intervention) in Vietnam. Yet Pyle’s naiveness is not entirely consistent with his intelligence, his training, and his Harvard degree. He is hopelessly innocent. In one of his strongest metaphors, Greene likens innocence to â€Å"a dumb leper who has lost his bell, wandering the world, meaning no harm,† but obviously bearing contamination and corruption with him. Fowler is a fascinating character and narrator because he simultaneously reveals and conceals so much about himself and his involvement in the story. On the one hand, he is openly contemptuous of Pyle. Like other Americans, Pyle is so obsessed with his mission to save the world that he does not register the reality around him. It is ridiculous for him to think that Phuong is an innocent he must rescue. She has stayed with Fowler because he offers her security. She leaves Fowler for Pyle because he offers her even more wealth and protection. Pyle is shocked because Fowler says he is merely using Phuong for his own pleasure and because of his need to have a woman beside him to stave off loneliness. It never occurs to Pyle that Phuong has acted just as selfishly or that Pyle imself is using people. On the other hand, Fowler is not entirely honest with himself. He claims to be disengaged, not only from politics but also from the sentiments of love Pyle professes. Yet Fowler’s passionate rejection of Pyle’s worldview and his defense of the Vietnamese, who he believes should be allowed to work out their own destiny, free of the French, the Americans, and any other intruding power, surely reveal anything but dishonesty. In this respect, Pyle is right to see good in a man who claims to be without sense of right and wrong. In fact, Pyle loses his life because of Fowler’s moral outrage. Fowler is so appalled by the bombing atrocity at the cafe that he determines to put a stop to Pyle’s activities. Fowler’s passion is hardly consistent with his habit of staying reserved. Actually, he cares deeply about Phuong and about the Vietnamese. He believes in self-determination, which ironically is the ideology that Americans claim to support. Americans think they are supporting freedom by allying themselves with the anticommunists. Thus, there are multiple ironies in The Quiet American. Fowler says he is a pessimist, but he acts like a wounded idealist. Pyle says he is an idealist, but his involvement with anticommunist thugs places him in disparaging and brutal situations. Phuong looks like a delicate, easily manipulated, and passive victim, and yet like many other Vietnamese she is a survivor who plays one side against the other and changes according to the current political issues. Fowler declares to Vigot that he is not guilty, then retells the story of his involvement with Fowler to clear his name, yet concludes by realizing that he is guilty. The novel’s title is also ironic. In one sense, Pyle is quiet—even unassuming. He patiently questions Fowler about his tie to Phuong and even declares his love for her to Fowler before he marries her. Pyle is the opposite of loud, vulgar Americans such as his boss Joe, or the noisy American journalist Granger. In another sense, however, Pyle is anything but quiet. He stirs up Saigon with explosions and he turns Fowler’s life into turmoil. An even greater irony is that for all their differences, Fowler and Pyle are alike in their moral earnestness. Fowler is the sophisticated European who has learned not to wear his heart on his sleeve. He denies any form of selfless behavior. Pyle is the naive American who is openhearted and believes he acts for the good of others. Yet both men cause great damage because they care about others. They are caught up in the evil that Fowler thinks he can avoid and that Pyle thinks he can remove. The political and moral divide between Fowler and Pyle is not as great as Fowler has supposed. His narrative ironically binds him to Pyle—a fate Fowler has consistently tried to avoid. The novel dramatizes Fowler’s fate in the scene where he refuses to call Pyle by his first name. He also refuses to let Pyle call him Tom and insists on being called Thomas. No formalities can really separate the two men however. Fowler’s own narrative shows them to strongly connected. The Quiet American is concerned with the effect the superpowers have when they intervene in the politics of the developing nations, in this case, Vietnam during the last days of French colonial rule. Greene himself is in an interesting position in that England, once a major colonial power, has increasingly surrendered that position to the United States since World War II. This weakened position makes Greene, like Fowler, something of an observer of the more active Americans. Fowler observes the covert actions of Pyle and finds them wrong. He thinks Americans are politically naive, dangerously idealistic, and too willing to hurt other people if they get in the way of their political goals. Greene has been accused of being anti-American but the novel and Fowlers judgment of Pyle were obviously very relevant. The novel was especially popular during the war in Vietnam, when many Americans came to share Fowlers opinions. Although the war and the controversies surrounding it still plague the memories of many Americans, the war and the novel itself are not quite so topical as they were in the 1960s and early 1970s. Still it might be worth stressing that the novel was written well before America became deeply involved in Vietnam. In fact, America is now involved as a â€Å"Third Force† in Iraq, where the political concerns of the novel are still quite applicable.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ethics Playing A Role In Modern Graphic Design Media Essay

Ethics Playing A Role In Modern Graphic Design Media Essay Undoubtedly, graphic design is a vital component of todays society. It has become increasingly involved in various fields, fuelling the market- and profit-oriented sectors rather than fulfilling the initial aim of pure artistic impression. That was a long time ago though. The modern trends dictate to produce more, promote more, buy more and that way, a designer becomes a marionette ruled by marketing professionals and advertising companies. This way, a designer becomes a tool of consumerism with power and might to change the perception of public. However, there are more issues to be addressed when talking about the importance of ethics in graphic design social responsibility, green design, subliminal advertising, the ethics of retouching, and many more. In fact, it can be said that graphic design as we know it nowadays is clearly being defined by the contemporary state of society and undoubtedly, vice versa as well. Where the society would be without graphic design? Where the graphic design would be if the designers would not need to follow the wishes of marketing and advertising sector? With the power the designers have, they can easily overcome regional boundaries and influence the views and values of society worldwide. Sadly, many of them do not think about the immense impact they are capable of; does that mean that ethics should not play a role in modern graphic design? With the development of technologies, the designers scope keeps constantly changing, as well as its effect on the society. What might not have been an issue 60 years later may now be considered a real problem. In this paper, I will discuss the significance of following the ethical principles in the field of graphic design. I will pinpoint the importance of it through touching main historical events and the transformation of society, which eventually lead to releasing the First Things First Manifesto; I will discuss the role of designer in todays society and effects of subliminal advertising and retouching on the audience. Last but not least, I will briefly touch the influence of designers on ecological sustainability and so-called green design. According to Jessica Helfand, graphic design is visual language uniting harmony and balance, colour and light, scale and tension, form and content. But it is also an idiomatic language, a language of cues and puns and symbols and allusions, of cultural references and perceptual inferences that challenge both the intellect and the eye (Shaugnessy, 2005, p. 18). However, this rather eloquent statement does not take into consideration the fact that in past decades, design has become more of a socio-economic tool for generating profit and that is precisely the point where the ethics, moral values and principles come in. Even though ethics can be quite simply defined as a discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad, right and wrong (Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online, 2010), the variety of ethical aspects in design greatly exceeds this interpretation. Bearing in mind that graphic design is a non-verbal medium, a designer usually acts only as a mediator between the client and potential audience. However, design requires not only strong communication skills and cultural awareness, but also firm ethical and aesthetical beliefs. As a matter of fact, design is a social activity with social consequences (Shaugnessy, 2009). In fact, ethics in graphic design could be looked at from two different viewpoints personal and professional (GD Users Manual). While personal aspects reflect designers moral values, principles, and personal philosophy, the professional ones are concentrated mostly around business code, thus the partnership between a designer and a client. Even though the discussion and awareness about the business aspect of ethics in design have risen significantly in past years, there has not been enough exploration and consideration of its moral side. One of the key factors to influence graphic design is that it is a relatively liberate discipline (Shaugnessy, 2009). Whereas most of the other fields are in some way (what way?) regulated, the moral side of graphic design is left to be dealt with by the designers themselves. That, as it has been mentioned already, requires firm ethical principles. Graphic design in its own nature is very proximate to the ethical questions and issues the society faces at the present time; therefore it is implied in social change. Ranging from animal rights, global warming and nutrition to politics, smoking and workplace violence, graphic design as a communication tool is always present. However, that renders a question whether the designers are the ones to praise or blame for the problems and changes within the society. Kalle Lasn, the founder of the anti-consumerist Adbusters magazine, took this viewpoint at his talk at the Royal College of Art, London (Dudley and Mealing, 2000). First Things First 2000 manifesto (FTF2000), which followed the legendary 1964 manifesto of the same name, deals with a need of moral values in graphic design and visual communication. All the 33 undersigned designers and art directors take quite a firm stand in this matter by claiming that graphic design has gone too far from its original values and ended up being a blatant marketing and advertising tool for generating profit. That in fact reflects not only in the way how people perceive graphic design, but also in a way the society acts, thinks and feels. First Things First 2000: A Design Manifesto We, the undersigned, are graphic designers, art directors and visual communicators who have been raised in a world in which the techniques and apparatus of advertising have persistently been presented to us as the most lucrative, effective and desirable use of our talents. Many design teachers and mentors promote this belief; the market rewards it; a tide of books and publications reinforces it. Encouraged in this direction, designers then apply their skill and imagination to sell dog biscuits, designer coffee, diamonds, detergents, hair gel, cigarettes, credit cards, sneakers, butt toners, light beer and heavy-duty recreational vehicles. Commercial work has always paid the bills, but many graphic designers have now let it become, in large measure, what graphic designers do. This, in turn, is how the world perceives design. The professions time and energy is used up manufacturing demand for things that are inessential at best. Many of us have grown increasingly uncomfortable with this view of design. Designers who devote their efforts primarily to advertising, marketing and brand development are supporting, and implicitly endorsing, a mental environment so saturated with commercial messages that it is changing the very way citizen-consumers speak, think, feel, respond and interact. To some extent we are all helping draft a reductive and immeasurably harmful code of public discourse. There are pursuits more worthy of our problem-solving skills. Unprecedented environmental, social and cultural crises demand our attention. Many cultural interventions, social marketing campaigns, books, magazines, exhibitions, educational tools, television programs, films, charitable causes and other information design projects urgently require our expertise and help. We propose a reversal of priorities in favor of more useful, lasting and democratic forms of communication a mindshift away from product marketing and toward the exploration and production of a new kind of meaning. The scope of debate is shrinking; it must expand. Consumerism is running uncontested; it must be challenged by other perspectives expressed, in part, through the visual languages and resources of design. In 1964, 22 visual communicators signed the original call for our skills to be put to worthwhile use. With the explosive growth of global commercial culture, their message has only grown more urgent. Today, we renew their manifesto in expectation that no more decades will pass before it is taken to heart. What could become possible if designers used their power to influence choices and beliefs in a positive and sustainable way? (Berman, p. 13) The vital message of FTF2000 is to design for good. However, good and bad are still very vague terms and since no guides exist on this topic, it depends upon a designer whether they choose to work for a certain client, use dirty marketing practices or promote possibly harmful, unfavourable and detrimental products. That being the case, it could be said that design and ethics go hand in hand and design for good is in fact a matter of choice. Graphic designers like Tibor Kalman inspired the designers to take responsibility for their works. Throughout his career, he urged designers to question the effects of their works and refuse to accept any clients product exactly the way it appears to be. Kalman inspired graphic designers to use their work to increase public awareness of a variety of social issues. (Milton Glaser Big Think) Undoubtedly, design has impact on society and changes within it. From the extreme point of view, it might seem that customers are absolutely vulnerable to the messages communicated by designers, and therefore accept the information automatically and behave accordingly. Regulatory codes within graphic design The essential part of this problem is regulation. Designers are not obliged to abide any codes, apart from the most essential ones like constitution, and the freedom of their profession makes them extremely vulnerable to moral questions. In other fields, eg. movie industry, it is quite common that a supreme body regulates and assesses the suitability and advisability of particular scenes. If the children are not supposed to see a scene which involves violence, death, or sex, it is alright for them to see a very graphic anti-abortion billboard, picturing an aborted foetus in a puddle of blood? In fact, that has been happening in Slovakia since 2007, when CBR Europe (European branch of The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, USA) firstly released the aforementioned campaign. However, the controversial billboards caused a big wave of disagreement due to its graphic nature. CBR Europe has announced that regardless of the violent nature of campaign, it has been successful and the number of abo rtions in Slovakia has decreased. Even though graphic designers, just like everybody else, have right to express their viewpoints, opinions and attitudes, their work should not be biased. However, who is the one to judge goodness or badness of moral principles of an individual? . GOVERNMENT / ORGANIZATIONS LEADERS From another point of view, this freedom of expression is a cornerstone of democratic rights and freedoms. Nevertheless, neither freedom of speech nor any other freedom is absolute; otherwise there would be no charges for promoting racial, ethnic, gender, disability discrimination and other prejudicial treatments and ideologies. Therefore it is essential for a designer to abide to both personal and public principles. Undoubtedly, personal values vary from person to person the key here is to be aware of them. When not thinking further behind the pursuit of aesthetics many designers strive for, one cannot possibly reflect their values and principles in the works. Many associations of design principles give a hand to designers with both personal and public ones. Just like in with any other profession ranging from doctors to lawyers, the need for applying ethical principles in graphic design calls for recognition. Most of the international and regional design associations have their code of ethics, often known as rules of professional conduct. AIGA (formerly American Institute of Graphic Arts), the professional association for design, released their first edition of Design Business + Ethics in 2001. The most current version issued in 2009 emphasises the importance of existence of ethical standards and the firm mutual bonds between a designer, client and content the both sides deal with. Adherence to a common set of principles is critical to estab ­lishing design as a true profession, with an ethos based on respect for clients, other designers, audiences, society and the environment (AIGA, 2009: 9). Apart from infringement of copyright, human rights, , a professional designer shall avoid projects that will result in harm to the public (AIGA, 2009: 34). The Chartered Society of Designers based in London, UK, accept their membership applicants not only based on qualification and presented works, but also on knowledge in the field of preference and professionalism. These are proved during an interview. To meet the latter requirement, the applicants shall demonstrate that they practice with integrity, maintain ethics and values, operate professionally (CSD, 2009: 2). The role of graphic design in consumerism As Berman states, designers are at the core of the most efficient, most destructive pattern of deception in human history (., p.22). Designers used to be generally seen as tools of capitalism. Creating brands, packaging, and marketing for consumer goods, graphic designers became an integral part of the free market system as they were contributing to wealth within the society. Passing the information through subliminal advertising Simply put, subliminal advertising could be defined as integrating hidden messages within printed or digital media. It [the concept of subliminal perception] suggests that peoples thoughts, feelings and actions are influenced by stimuli that are perceived without any awareness of perceiving (Kadzin, 2000). Through various psychological and neurological studies it was proved that subliminal perception is most likely to occur in patients with neurological damage or those who are undergoing general anaesthesia. In such cases, they usually not realize the stimuli but subconsciously respond to it anyway. As the means of convincing and manipulating the potential viewers into certain actions and behaviours, subliminal advertising has been assigned quite spectacular power in the past. This method counts on mental vulnerability of customers and their automatic acceptance of the pictured message. From the psychological point of view, the threshold of consciousness varies from person to person and some people might be influenced by subliminal messaging. Wilson Bryan Kay, an author of several controversial books on subliminal messaging, argued that the power of advertising has been often increased by embedding sexual subtext and/or word sex within it. His main argument is that even though the sexual tone of the advertisement is not consciously perceived, subconsciously it causes increase in sexual desires, resulting in making the advertised product more appealing. Even though the tests with subliminal messages have run since late 1950s, the scientific research behind this phenomenon has neither confirmed nor refuted the potential success in altering customers views and will subconsciously. Nonetheless, if the subliminal messages are powerful enough to change peoples views and behaviour, the ethical matters are definitely in question. In fact, we would be dealing with violation of a persons right for privacy. While subconscious messages could be used for not only dirty purposes but also for decent ones (eg. persuading people not to lie), the final effect would still be manipulating peoples actions which is not any less unethical. The person communicating his or her ideas through subconscious messages has no right to manipulate and brainwash other peoples minds. Due to this fact, subliminal messages are generally being perceived as unethical and are banned, among others, in USA, Canada and Australia. Ethical issues in photography and retouching Bearing in mind that graphic designers are in fact visual artists, they have a rather immense power in changing the perception of people who see their works. Retouching is a perfect example of how the relatively small actions have changed the image of beauty within our society. Majority of the people would agree that retouching of the models for marketing campaigns poured oil into fire when speaking about the perception of beauty. Being exposed to the modern, even though retouched notion of visual appearance, many women feel insecure about their looks and body. Arguably, the media most certainly contributes to dieting and size discrimination (, which are often a founding ground for development of an eating disorder. Not only in cases like the one above, the designers and commercial artists in general need to take a firm stance on their moral values and principles. The world of design and visual communication calls for a greater responsibility in decision-making (.?) because the visual elements often speak as clearly as words spoken out loud. In order to support a call for higher standards in photojournalism and advertising, there has been a movement to ban or clearly label retouched images. Even though this idea has support of several countries including United Kingdom, Switzerland and France, it is very unlikely to be adopted soon as it would require complicated regulations to be set up. Historical significance of graphic design Undoubtedly, the graphic design has been a very important element in shaping the history. Since the early 20th century, it has been continuously growing in its significance. Throughout the past, design was an inseparable component of considerable number of events which defined the world as we know it today. Graphic design, regardless of ethical consequences of the communicated message, potentially played a key role at the period of Second World War. The commercial aspect of graphic design was taken to its greatest and darkest heights in Nazi Germany in a terrible exemplar of the true power of design ( However, as Eileen MacAvery Kane (2010) states, the similar strategies were implied in eras of Fascist Italy, Stalins and Lenins USSR, and Maos China. In all four cases, the leaders turned graphic design into a powerful manipulative tool to influence lives of millions of people. Throughout the history, several infamously known symbols have been created, be it the swastika and gothic typography of Hitlers Germany, Mussolinis streamlined Futurist posters and Black Shirt uniforms, the stolid Social Realism of Stalins USSR and Maos Little Red Book (amazon), which were used in in a wide variety of propaganda, from posters, magazines and advertisements to uniforms, flags and figurines (amazon). Moreover, the physical and mental characteristics of the leaders were often depicted on various means of visual communication, converting a person into public icon and thus building up the trustworthiness of the whole regime. Such steps could be compared to contemporary advertising practices. Another strong example from the field of politics is Barack Obamas 2008 election campaign. The logo, designed by a Chicago company Sender LLC, is often described as a rising sun symbolising hope and the main strength of Obamas campaign is visual coherence of all the main elements. Shepard Fairey, the American designer and illustrator who stands behind the famous HOPE poster for Obamas campaign, has proven that the power of visual communication on popular opinion is still immense. Even though he was not hired to create a poster for Obama and his team denied any involvement in creation of the aforementioned piece, it has proven to be very successful. Once the campaign was over, Fairey received a letter from Obama which reads: I would like to thank you for using your talent in support of my campaign. The political messages involved in your work have encouraged Americans to believe they can help change the status quo. Your images have a profound effect on people, whether seen in a gallery or on a stop sign. ( ( ( ( When compared to both posters above (Image 1, Image 2), Barack Obamas visuals share certain elements with them. Apparently, use of blue, white and red is conditioned by country the posters (Image 2, 3) were created for; however, a  portrait of a  person is central element in all of them. Both Hitler and Obama are looking to future, which is supported by strong slogans (Long Live Germany! and HOPE) and bold typography. Moreover, both use a  symbolism of sun or sun rays in their campaigns. These are all facts a  viewer processes subconsciously. Would have people believed in future of Germany promised by Adolf Hitler if he was depicted striking a  different pose, doing a  different gesture, if the background did not show his supporters? Would Obama have been elected if Fairey had never released his iconic poster? Of course, politics is not only about visual side of campaigns but bearing in mind the mind-blowing success the abovementioned heads of states had received, it can be said that graphic design plays an extremely important role in our lives. As Graham Milton (n.d.) stated in his blog, propaganda exists today in the form of advertising and design because it is the most effective tool for influencing popular opinion. Indeed, all mass media is capable of this manipulation ( Manipulation, a practice involving influence or control over the others to ones own advantage, cannot possibly be looked at as an ethical action. This matter o f fact touches not only politics but all the possible fields graphic design is present in and cannot be ignored anymore. Business and commercial aspect of ethics in graphic design Sustainability and social responsibility

Data Protection Act Principles in Childcare

Data Protection Act Principles in Childcare UNIT 5 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES 5.1 DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 Anyone who keeps records whether on computer or on paper must apply with this act. It should be clear to service user for what purpose the data are being kept. Information about a child should also be accessible to parents and shared with them. It is not compulsory just do on their demand. Information should not be kept for longer than necessary, though accident and incident records will be need to be kept in case they are needed for references at some time in future. Records must be stored securely. THE 4 DATA PROTECTION ACT PRINCIPALS AND HOW TO IMPLEMENT IT IN A CHILDCARE PROCESSED FAIRLY AND LAWFULLY It is very important that personal data should be processed fairly. In practice you must legitimate grounds for collection and using the personal data. You must not use the data in way that have unjustified adverse effects on the individual concerned. You must be transparent about how to use the data and privacy notices when they collecting their data. You make sure you do not do anything unlawful with the date. OBTAINED FOR SPECIFIED LAWFUL PURPOSES This data is clearly linked with first data protection. If you obtain personal data for an unlawful purpose then you will be in breach of both first and second data protection. For example to implement this data in you setting you must be clear from the outsets about why you are collecting personal data and what you intend to do with it. You must comply what act says about notifying given to the information commissnor. ADEQUATE, RELEVANT AND NOT EXCESSIVE The data protection does not define these words, clearly though they need to be considered. For examples a debt collection agency is engaged to find a particular debt. Its collects information several of people with similar name. During the inquiry some of these people are discounted. Company should delete most of the data, just keep minimum data. If you need to hold particular information about certain individual only you should collect it just for those individual. The information is likely to be excessive and irrelevant in relevant to other people. ACCURATE AND UP TO DATE The law recognise that it may not be practical to double check the accuracy of every item of personal data you receive. So the act make special provision about the accuracy that information that individual provides about themselves. When you go through this data protection you should take reasonably steps to ensure the accuracyof any personal you obtain, make sure that the any personal data is clear and carefully consider whether it is necessary to update the information. NOT KEPT ANY LONGER THEN NECESSARY personal data processed for any purposes or purpose shall not be kept for longerthen is necessary for that parpose. In your setting you will need to review the length of time you keep personal data and update archieve or securely delete information if it goes out of date. PROCESSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DATA SUBJECT’S RIGHTS SECURELY KEPT. NOT TRANSFERRED TO ANY OTHER COUNTRY WITHOUT ADEQUATE PROTECTION IN SITU. A good evaluation of your chosen Data Protection Act principles. 5.2 ACCURATE LEGIBLE AND UP TO RECORD KEEPING INFORMATION WITH NON COMPLIANCES When you start a business as a child care that it is very important to keep accurate and complete records. Your business record should include; You should have keep record banking information You must need a proof of income You need to keep a proof of expenses that how much you spend on their food and stuff You need to be organised, keep your records up to date and then hold on to them for seven tax years. Good records are important for your business because; They can make filling in your tax returns easier and quicker They can make it quicker for your tax agent or accountant to do your book and save your money. They can give you the information you need to manage your business and help it grow, and make it easier to get a loan. Tax record is a legal requirement to running a business. LEGIBILITY Legibility mean all information should be correct, readable and clearly. So following steps could be helpful for legible record keeping; All written information should be neat clean and use in black ink because it is clearer to read and photocopies. It is more important that handwriting should be legible. If it is not readable someone can misunderstanding. If someone changes to documentation such as medication form, parents permission form, it must be signed and dated. White correction fluid should not be use over the mistake, just crossed with a line. UP TO DATE INFORMATION Make sure personal data always should be accurate if not, for examples if someone has removed from Chester to kings brook, a record showing that he currently lives in Chester is obviously inaccurate. But a record showing that he once lived in Chester remains accurate, even though he no longer lives there. You must always be clear about what a record is intended to show. Personal data always have to be up to date. This depends on what the information is used for like medication changing, food requirements. If the information is used for a purpose that relies on it remaining current, it should be kept up to date. There is often confusion about whether it is appropriate to keep records of things that happened which should not have happened. Individuals understandably don’t want their records to be tarnished by, for example, a penalty or other charge that was later cancelled or refunded. However, the organization may legitimately wish its records to accurately reflect what actually happened – in this example, that a charge was imposed, and later cancelled or refunded. Keeping a record of a mistake and its correction might also be in the individual’s interests. 5.3 BASIC INFORMATION OF RECORD Before child coming in nursery or school basic information must be filled in. Supervisor should be explained to parents that this information will be treated with confidentially and that will be stored safely. The record will be reviewed regularly and kept up to date with parents’s help. superviser collects all information from parents. DIFFERENT WAYS OF RECORDING When recording data on a computer it is very important to make sure that adequate reliable methods of backing up the data are employedso that if the computer malfunction or becomes damaged the files can be easly retrieved on another system. There are so many ways to keep record like – DIGITAL DATA, PAPER RECORD AND MANUAL RECORD. TYPES OF DIGITAL DATA Digital data exists on many devices today not just computer and server. Portable media such as USB thumb drives, CDs and DVDs as well as copier, printer and scanner hard and drives. DESKTOP COMPUTER HARD DRIVES –LAPTOP HARD DRIVES – ZIP DISKS – FLOPPY DISKS Most people are aware of the need to destroy hard drives found in desktop and laptop computers and other magnetic storage devices. COPIERS – PRINTER – SCANNERS – ALL IN ONE DEVICES Advanced office equipment, including, printers, copiers, and scanner as well as mobile devices, such as cell phones can be the source of unexpected digital data breaches. USB THUMB DRIVES – LAPTOP (SSHD) -Thumb drives and external hard drives use solid – state drives (SSD) to store and transfer data. These drives look like magnetic hard drives but require specialized processing to ensure complete digital data destruction. These digital data should be stored safely secured in small locked safes. It should be protect by the secret password. Children should not allow to use same computer or desktop which have a confidential files. PAPER RECORDING – the data protection apply equally to personal data held on ICT system and on paper files. The following guidelines should be followed with regards to be held on paper files. This should be operating of a policy whereby paper files containing such data are locked away when not required. Paper records and files should be handed to those personnel with business reason to access them. Personal and sensitive information held on paper must be kept hidden from caller to officers. Secure disposal of confidential waste should be in place and properly used. When paper files are transfer within In a department, usually should be hand delivery. in the paper record have a same information but defferent way to keep it safe then digital. All paper work, files, information about financial should be out of reach of children. It should be locked on high place in childcare setting but they must be sealed in water proof bag. 5.4 PRIMARY TYPES OF DATA STORAGES Primary storages is a storages location that holds memory for short periods of times while the computer RAM and CACHE are both examples of a primary storages device. The capacity of RAM in terms of data storages is less but it offers a very fast access rate, this making it very pretty expensive. Processor cache is the part of RAM and is using for speeding up the execution. So primary storage allows faster access, it is highly violating in nature that means it clears up during the booting. DATA STORAGES FOR DIGITAL Computer data storages often called storages or memory is technology consisting of computer components and reading media used to retain digital data. It is core function and fundamental component of computer. Internal and external hard drives, DVD-R, CD-R, USB flash drives, web based storages AKA the clouds are primary storages for digital. PAPER STORAGES mostly files and folders and piles on your desk, stapled, paper clipped, computer, pen, pencils and some even have a typewriter need for paper storages. Using paper record increase the risk of grammar errors, improper data entry and other record inaccuracies. Paper also requires physical storages with could be costly expenses for business. By jpvsku Evaluate for the best option Paper records are best option for the home childcare setting. For paper records it is advisable to have a file rooms, and avoid having every employee maintaining their own filling cabinet. Proper files maintenance in the office is an effective record keeping strategy. It is very important that when you are planning your physical record keeping system to think in terms of RECORD SERIES. As you examine yourself make sure that information you produced is a logical relatively independent from other records. Why it is important because for longer terms and storages you will find deferent types of records need different strategies. A Common mistake made in records maintances is to information goes in but no way to information comes out so it will become soon unmanageable size. There is something special about paper records that make them more REAL than the same record in digital formats but this is not correct because digital is a faster and a properly produced, stored and maintained digital is just as valid in the eyes of the law as any paper records. Proper records management requires you to know which copy is your ‘‘copy of record’’. Once a copy of record has been established, the other copy can be destroyed safely A common problem that faces many organizations is inconsistency in record keeping practices. This usually results from personal turnover which each new employee creates the systems. If this happening several times, the record keeping system may become a combination of many techniques and schemes. New employees should be trained in the current producer of the department. The best way to ensure that the consistency is through and adequate documentation. In this UNIT I did try explain about data protection act 1998, how to implement it into childcare setting, record keeping information, deferent ways of recording, primary types of data storages and evaluate of paper records. References www.computerhope.vom www.irdgovt,cznz

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Hindenburg :: American America History

The Hindenburg The Inferno The arrival of the Hindenburg, thirteen hours behind schedule, at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on the evening of May 6, 1937, promised to be routine. The ship had an unblemished safety record on eighteen previous Atlantic crossings. In fact, no passenger had ever lost his life on any commercial airship. Still, because this was the beginning of the most ambitious season yet for airship voyages, reporters, photographers and news reel cameramen had their eyes and lenses focused on the great dirigible as it approached. When disaster struck it was sudden. Without warning flames gushed from within the Hindenburg's hull; thirty-two seconds later the airship lay on the ground, ravaged. Never had the sights and sounds of a disaster in progress been so graphically documented. Within a day, newspaper readers and theater audiences were confronted by fiery images of the Hindenburg. Radio listeners heard the emotional words of newsman Herb Morrison, sobbing into his recorder, "It's burning, bursting int o flames, and it's falling on the mooring mast and all the folks. This is one of the worst catastrophes in the world. . . . Oh, the humanity and all the passengers!(Marben 58)" When this floating cathedral, called the Hindenburg, burst into a geyser of flaming hydrogen there was a tremendous impact on the public, although two thirds of the people on board survived. Two theories about why it happened surfaced and this tragedy put an end to the short age of these massive airships. The demise of the Hindenburg had a searing impact on public consciousness that far surpassed the bare statistics of the calamity. Men and women escaped, even from this inferno. One elderly lady walked out by the normal exit as though nothing had happened and was unscratched. A fourteen-year-old cabin boy jumped to the ground into flames and smoke. He was almost unconscious from the fumes when a water-ballast bag collapsed over his head. He got out. One passenger hacked his way through a jungle of hot metal using his bare hands. Another emerged safely, only to have another passenger land upon him and cripple him. One man, at an open window with every chance to jump to safety, went back into the flames to his wife, both died. The final count was 36 dead, including 13 passengers. Nearly two thirds, of the 97 persons on board survived, but that fact was forever obscured, and the name Hindenburg became comparable only to the name Titanic(Abbott 69).