Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Cross Subsidizing Political Groups in the Name of Agriculture Essay

Cross Subsidizing Political Groups in the Name of Agriculture - Essay Example The intention of the talk was making fair international law for a balanced trade approach for developing countries.This round could not fetch any results as there was no agreement on farm subsidies and market access.But it also decided to further continue talks in next negotiations. The Ministerial Declaration launching the Doha Development Agenda reflects the "broad agenda" and the focus on development.: It mandates negotiations on agriculture, industrial products, services, intellectual property (geographical indications, TRIPs, and Health), the "Singapore issues" (investment, competition, transparency in government procurement and trade facilitation), WTO rules (anti-dumping, subsidies, regional trade agreements) and trade and environment. Doha Development Agenda, European Union and WTO, Trade Issues, European Unions says that its primary objects in the WTO were multilateral trade rulemaking, market opening, the integration of developing countries in the world trade system and the improvement of the functioning of the WTO   it has believed that doing away with high tariffs, tariff peaks, and tariff escalation will significantly increase trade opportunities between North and South EU points out that market access negotiations on services would help in improving market opportunities for business as well as benefits to consumers worldwide. But it stood against general deregulation or privatization of sectors where principles of public interest are at stake. European Union's stand was that Doha Development Agenda succeed only if development opportunities of individual members, makes a tangible contribution to international efforts in favor of sustainable development and increases. We had seen large protests and processions consequent to every talk. There is a lot of lobbying for and against the trade negotiations inside and outside the international trade bodies. It is not economics, but its impact on domestic politics was the major cause for each and every co untry.The last one decade has seen a tremendous effort from the developing countries going for substantial efforts to make structural changes in their economies as part of reform agenda. Elimination of export subsidies, reductions in, and tighter criteria for, domestic "trade-distorting" subsidies in developed countries, reduction of tariff peaks and standardization and rationalization of food safety and processing requirements In this background there should have been some efforts from the developed world to genuinely address the concern of the developing world. Anyhow Doha meet was failed in reaching any concrete step before the next talk. In the year2003, Members again get together at Cancà ºn to forge concrete agreement on the Doha round objectives. The focus of Cancun negotiations was on agriculture, industrial goods, trade services and customer codes reforms. But again the developed world and developing world fight in the agriculture sector.Here also rich countries’ fa rm subsidies such as European Union's Common Agriculture Policies and US governments agro subsidies were the major roadblock.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Factors change Essay Example for Free

Factors change Essay After I have recorded all the results and written into tables, I used the data to make graphs, which are voltage against current. When I finished marking all the points on to the graphs, I put a line of best fit through. There are five graphs in total, each represents a thickness, on a graph there are five lines of best fits, and each represents a length of a thickness. Then I pick a point on the lines of best fits and calculate the gradient (resistance) by dividing the point on y-axis (voltage) by the point on the x-axis (current) as the ohms law states that V=IR. Finally, I have to draw five graphs to show the relations between length (on the x-axis) and resistance (on the y-axis). Also, I have to draw another graph to show the relations between thickness (on the x-axis) and resistance (on the y-axis). Evaluating Although the whole experiment has been going very well, but the results seems to show some bias or errors as in one or two of the graphs, the pattern is quite strange because some of the gradient (resistance) is not proportional to the lengths. Overall, the experiment can be said as a success. The aim of this experiment is to measure how the resistance change as the factors change. There are so many variables-temperature of surroundings, length, thickness, material, temperature of the wire, surface area, magnetic properties, coated or not and purity-that can be chosen to measure in this experiment. But in this experiment I am only going to measure two of them, which are length and thickness because these two are the easiest to measure and show the effects on the resistance. Prediction: The result should be showing that the resistance increase as the length or thickness increase. This happens because when length or thickness increases, the current will decrease. As the voltage wont change, if the current decreases, then the resistance will increase. Method: In the experiment I will need to use apparatus listed below.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Police Brutality :: Use of Excessive Force by Police

In recent years, police actions, particularly police abuse, has come into view of a wide, public and critical eye. While citizens worry about protecting themselves from criminals, it has now been shown that they must also keep a watchful eye on those who are supposed to protect and serve. This paper will discuss the types of police abuse prevalent today, including the use of firearms and receipt of private information. I will also discuss what and how citizens' rights are taken advantage of by police. For these problems, solutions will be discussed, focusing on political reform, education, and citizen review boards. These measures are necessary to protect ourselves from police taking advantage of their positions as law enforcement officers with greater permissive rights than private citizens. Because of this significant differential, all citizens must take affirmative action from physical brutality, rights violations, and information abuse. Problems arise, however, when one side is told what to do by another, as there is bound to be conflicting viewpoints. In regard to police abuse, there will be many officers who feel that their job of fighting escalating street crime, gangs, narcotics violations, and other violent crimes is difficult already, and that worrying about excessive policy for abusive behavior will only further decrease their ability to fight crime effectively, efficiently, and safely. Citizens, however, have been caught up in this gung-ho attitude, and police are more and more often crossing the line of investigation and interrogation with abusive behavior. This abuse must be monitored so that police do not forget who they are serving--not themselves, but the public. This means that even the criminals, who are a part of the public, have certain rights, particularly, civil rights. All citizens must be aware of these rights to protect themselves against over-aggressive officers who take advantage of their pos ition as badge and gun holders to intimidate and abuse civilians for personal or departmental goals. Such conflicts have significant implications on departmental and administrative policy procedures. One of the main police abuse problems is physical brutality. The main goal here should be to get the police departments to adopt and enforce a written policy governing the use of physical force. The policy should restrict physical force to the narrowest possible range of specific situations. For example, their should be limitations on the use of hand-to-hand combat, batons, mace, stun guns, and firearms. However, limiting polices' actions will bring much debate, especially from police officers and administrators themselves.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


The question of God is a perennial subject of debate in the history of philosophical scholarship and can be located in nearly all the epochs of philosophy. The subject however occupies a central space in the medieval epoch that was characterized by religious thinkers. The debate is largely between two schools of thought. There are those who opine that there is no such entity as God. To such thinkers, the question of God does not amount to anything but is largely a product of human imagination. On the other hand, there are certain group of thinkers who insist that God is a reality that exist and must be given due consideration. Thus, the onus lies on the one who affirms the existence of God to explain who or what this God is and to prove his existence. The subject of God may have being difficult to explain because the term God does not refer to any physical entity in the universe. Rene Descartes who is widely revered as the father of modern philosophy affirmed the existence of God and proffered two arguments for the existence of God. Many scholars have bore their minds on the question of God, but our aim in this paper is to examine the various ramifications of Descartes’ proof of God’s existence. To achieve this aim, our exposition shall follow this outline: Life and works of Descartes Who is God? The historical trajectory of the problem of God The cogito: a background to the Cartesian prof of God’s existence ï  ¶Descartes’ proof of God’s existence Criticisms of the Cartesian proof of God’s existence Evaluation Conclusion Life and works of Rene Descartes Descartes is the first major philosophical thinker of the modern period and the father of modern philosophy. He was born in La Haye, a small town near Tours in France on the 3rd of March he received a Jesuit education at the Jesuit college of La fleche in Anjou, one of the best schools of his time. Upon completion of his studies, he went to Holland where he joined the army in 1618. The following year, he travelled to Germany where he began to develop his ideas concerning how knowledge should be acquired. Descartes  returned to France in 1628 but soon returned to Holland where he remained until 1649, when he went to Sweden at the request of Queen Christina to come and tutor her in philosophy and knowledge in general. He is said to have died of pneumonia on the 11th of February 1650. Descartes has many achievements to his name, he invented the analytic geometry and the Cartesian coordinate system named after him. His major works include: The Rules for the Direction of the Mind (1628), the world (1629), Discourse on Method (1637), Optics (1637), Meteorology (1637), Meditations on first Philosophy (1641), Principles of Philosophy (1644) and Passions of the soul (1649). Who is God? Much of the disagreement about â€Å"proofs† of God’s existence is due to different conceptions of God. Classical theism, for instance, characterizes God as a supreme metaphysical being. Despite extensive writing on the nature of God, these classical theists did not believe that God could be defined. They believed that it would be contradictory to the transcendent nature of God if mere humans are able to define him. By contrast, much of Eastern religious thought (chiefly pantheism) presents God as a force inherent in every accessible and conceivable experience. In modern times, the concept of God typically entails a monotheistic, supreme, ultimate, and personal being, as found in the Islamic, Christian and Hebrew traditions. A historical trajectory of the problem of God. Since the ancient epoch of philosophy, philosophers have always grappled with the problem of the existence of God. Thus we shall examine the general posture that the discourse of God assumed before and after the advent of Descartes. This would properly position us to understand the background from were Descartes emerges. The ancient Western tradition of philosophical discuss of the existence of God began with Plato and Aristotle, who made arguments that would today be categorized as cosmological. In the medieval epoch of philosophy, other arguments for the existence of God have been proposed by St. Anselm, who formulated the first ontological argument; Avicena Averroes and Thomas Aquinas, who refined the cosmological argument (the kalam argument and the first way, respectively). In the modern period, Descartes, asserts that the existence of a benevolent God is logically necessary for the evidence of the senses to be meaningful; and Immanuel Kant, also contended that the existence of God can be deduced from the existence of good. The cogito: a background to Descartes prof of God’s existence Descartes was skeptical of the knowledge he acquired over the years, because he thinks that real knowledge requires certainty. To attain certainty, we need a foundation and then, we need a way of building from that foundation to other truths. Descartes describes his foundation in the first meditation. His starting point is the collection of beliefs. Thus he looks for grounds of doubt for certain basic beliefs and having found certain grounds for doubt, all other beliefs based on the basic beliefs will tumble. He rejects beliefs acquired through sense perception on the ground that we could be dreaming. He further rejects a priori beliefs for example mathematical truths on grounds that there could be an evil deceiver who is so powerful and possibly responsible for making him conceive of these beliefs. Having doubted his beliefs, Descartes discovers that he exists, for even if there is a powerful deceiver, he must exis t. The reason for his certainty about this belief is that he is thinking, whether this thinking consists of being deceived by the evil deceiver or not. In other to be thinking, he must exist. He avers cogito ego sum-I think, therefore I exist. Thus, his existence serves as a model for acquiring other kinds of knowledge. However, Descartes has not totally extricated himself from his self-imposed doubt and to do so, he proves the existence of a God who is not a deceiver. The Cartesian proof of God’s existence. Descartes proffered two arguments for the existence of God in the meditations, neither is original. The first is a version of the cosmological argument espoused by ancient thinkers and the second is a reformulation of Anselm’s ontological argument the starting point for the two fold argument is his clear and distinct idea of God. That is, he infers the existence of God from his idea of God. The causal argument for the existence of God Descartes’ first argument can be summarized as an attempt to prove God’s existence by causal reasoning. He asserts that his idea of God could only have been caused by God. Below is a concise presentation of his causal argument: †¢All effects including ideas are caused by something. †¢There must be at least as much reality in the cause as there is in the effect. †¢I have an idea of God as an infinite and perfect being. †¢The idea of God in my mind is an effect that was caused by something †¢I am finite and imperfect and thus could not be the cause of the idea of an infinite and perfect God. †¢Only an infinite being could be the cause of such an idea. †¢Therefore, God (an infinite and perfect being) exist. The first premise of the causal argument derives from a commonly held belief that has long being a premise in other arguments for the existence of God. The logic behind Descartes’ second premise can be explained thus, he says a cold object such as a pot of water cannot become hot unless something else causes that heat. But, the cause must have a high degree as the effect. For it is impossible for one level of reality (the boiling water) to be produced by a cause that is less than the effect (a cold stove). Just as heated water is an effect that requires a cause, so Descartes’ idea of an infinite and perfect being is an effect or a phenomenon that needs to be accounted for. It is possible that Descartes could have produced the idea of God himself. But for him, a finite object can only produce another finite object. Hence, Descartes says ordinarily, the idea in his mind does not tell him if there is the existence of any external reality. However, the idea of perfection is unique. If he could not have manufactured it himself, then it will necessarily follow that he is not alone in the world, but that some other thing which is the cause of this idea exist. That thing can only be God therefore, God exists. Descartes further corroborated his argument by demonstrating that his sustained existence requires an adequate cause. Using a variation of his causal argument, he argues that a being such as himself who contains the idea of perfection cannot come from an imperfect cause. In the cause of searching for an explanation for his own sustained existence, he introduces the principle that there cannot be an infinite regress of causes therefore; these causes must culminate in an ultimate cause and that cause is God. He conceives God as an infinite substance who is Omniscient, omnipotent, everlasting, unchanging, perfect, and the creator of all things. The ontological argument. In the meditation, Descartes employed a version of Anselm’s ontological argument to buttress the existence of God. Descartes begins by stating that the essence of a thing is different from its existence. The essence of a thing is that property without which it cannot be what it is. He argues that, to be a perfect being, a being must include in itself all perfection. Existence is perfection, therefore a perfect being (God) necessarily exist. The main outline of Descartes’ version of the ontological argument is as follows: †¢I have the idea of a God that possess all perfection, †¢Existence is a kind of perfection †¢If the God I am thinking of lacked existence, then he will not be perfect †¢Hence, if I can have the idea of a perfect God, I must conclude that existence is one of God’s essential attributes. †¢If existence is one of God’s essential attributes, he must exist †¢Therefore God exist. Descartes’ bases his argument on the notion that when one clearly understands the nature of something, one would be lead to conceive of all its essential properties. The idea of God according to Descartes is always thought to be the idea of a perfect being. As such, such a being cannot lack perfection of any kind, including existence. And no other being has existence as a part of its essence. Thus Descartes says, it would be contradictory to say, I think of a perfect being who necessarily has existence as its property but who does not exist. Having proved the existence of God, Descartes uses the existence of God to explain his existence. He now sees God as the source of his existence and sustenance. Prior to his discovery of God, he had no idea of why he existed, for he could find no power within him that could bring about his existence. He now realizes that he is imperfect finite and dependent on God. Criticisms of the Cartesian proof of God’s existence. There are many problems with Descartes’ argument. Perhaps, the most obvious are his reliance on the causal principles, his acceptance of his previous scholastic beliefs about the degrees of reality of ideas and of things and his claim that his idea of God is clear and distinct. Descartes posits that the light of nature teaches us how to distinguish what is clear and distinct from what is not. One problem that still remains a puzzle concerns how we  can know when the infallible light of nature is guiding us and when our natural impulses are leading us since we do not have any means of detecting when our natural impulses are leading us from those instances where we are led by the light of nature. Several theologians of Descartes’s time challenged the claim that infinity and perfection must precede all thoughts of finitude and imperfection. One of such critics puts it thus, â€Å"I can surely take a given degree of being, which I perceive within myself, and add on a further degree of being, and thus construct the idea of a perfect being from all the degrees which are capable of being added on.† If finite minds can construct the idea of infinity or perfection in this manner, we do not need to look outside of ourselves in an attempt to account for the origin of our idea of infinity.’ Though many theologians who used this argument agree that there is the existence of God, they simply think that Descartes provided an inadequate argument for the existence of God. Many philosophers have also objected that existence is not a property at all, hence cannot be derived from the concept of God in the same way as God’s benevolence or omnipotence. We can also question Descartes’ claim that his idea of God is clear and distinct. Perhaps, the idea of a supremely perfect being contains a contradiction. Even i f we were to grant Descartes that reality or existence is a property, why must we think that there is a most perfect being-that is, that there is a top to the scale, at which actuality is reached? From our exposition, it is apparent that Descartes’ rationalistic method has led him out of the slit of doubt. He is now certain of the existence of himself and God. The existence of God for him is particularly important because it released him from the prison of his mind. He now knows that something exists outside his own mind and its ideas. Thus, he uses his certainty of the existence of God as a bridge to the external world. It is important to note however that Descartes aim is to show that all knowledge can be derived from reason. He begins with the ‘cogito’ which shows him that he exists as a thinking thing. From the cogito, he knows that what he clearly and distinctly perceives by the ‘light of nature’ must be true. Then he discovers certain clear and distinct principles which together with a clear and distinct idea of God enable him to derive God’s existence. And  ones he has done this, he is able to remove the evil demon as a ground o f doubt since an even more powerful benevolent perfect deity exist. We have successfully examined the issue of the existence of God. We began by examining the ambiguous nature of the concept of God after which we attempted to understand how the truth of the cogito led Descartes to the discovery of the existence of God and the terrestrial world. from our exposition, we can say that conclusions on the existence of God can be divided along numerous axes, producing a variety of independent classifications such as; Theism and atheism, Gnosticism and agnosticism, Ignosticism, and Apatheism. Though Descartes can be criticized and has been criticized on many fronts, his contribution to the God question cannot be over emphasized. He has inspired many after him who have also contributed their quota to the problem all in a view to proffer solution to the perennial problem of God. Bibliography Lawhead F., William, the Voyage of Discovery: A Historical Introduction to Philosophy, second edition, U.S.A: Wadsworth, 2002. Sutchile F. E., Descartes: Discourse on the Method, (trans.) London: Penguin Books, 1968. Ariscombe E. and Geach, P. T., Descartes philosophical writings (Ed.) New York: Open University Press 1971. Beardsley C. Monroe, The European Philosophers from Descartes to Nietzsche, New York: Random House Inc. 1992. Norris C., on Truth and meaning: Language, Logic and the Grounds for Belief, London and New York: Continuum, 2006. Jimoh K. A., Certitude and Doubt: A Guide in Epistemology, Ibadan: Ebony Books and Kreations, 2013.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Questions and Answers on Computer Memory

Many changes have been seen lately in both 1/0 and memory. What are some of the newer technology innovations you have seen In regards to 1/0 and Memory? What are the different types of Memory and how much Is recommended? In the past 10 years there have been many changes In technology. We went from burning CDC to downloading songs to an MPH player. We went from a big boxed TV's to Flat screen TV's that you can control with your hand and voice. The memory on these things has Improved as well. With the Cad's only being able to hold around 700MS, while MPH players can hold up to BIBB or more. And hard drives use to only go to 1 TAB, now there are hard drives that can hold up to TPTB or more. My favorite new technology Is the smart phones. Who would have thought back In 2000 that our phones would be miniature computers, and that there would be an App for everything. From banking to real estate, to even ordering your food right from your phones APS. It's amazing What are the different type s of Memory and how much is recommended? There are several kinds of memory such as RAM, SD and USB.With how much memory is commended is up to the user. If you're going to use the computer for just email and homework and normal tasks then you won't need as much memory or RAM as someone who is using his computer to play video games. That's cool that you work for Apple. I have never owned or really used a Mac Computer but that feature that Lion offered called â€Å"Resume† sounds awesome. I can think of thousands of times that would have come in handy. With working on projects for work or even writhing reports for school and then the power goes out and there goes all your hard work erased.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Make Glowing Jell-O

How to Make Glowing Jell-O Its incredibly easy to make Jell-Oâ„ ¢ or other gelatin glow under a black light. Heres how to make it happen: Glowing Jell-O Materials package of Jell-O or other gelatintonic waterblack light Make the Jell-O Follow the directions on the package, except use tonic water instead of water.For a small package, the usual directions would be to heat 1 cup of tonic water to boiling.Mix the boiling tonic water and Jell-O until the powder is completely dissolved.Stir in another cup of tonic water.Pour the liquid into a pan or bowl.Refrigerate the Jell-O until is has set.You can use cookie cutters to make shapes out of the gelatin if desired.Shine a black light on the Jell-O to make it glow. No matter what flavor/color of Jell-O you use, it will glow bright blue under the black light. This is the fluorescence of the quinine in the tonic water. Quinine also gives tonic water a distinctive bitter flavor which you will also taste in the gelatin. If you dont like the taste, you can lessen it by using half tonic water and half tap water in the recipe. Either sugar-free or regular tonic water works fine for this recipe. Some recipes call for using a low percentage of tonic water (5-10%). The glow from this gelatin will be extremely faint, especially if the dessert is colored. You need a decent amount of quinine to get a bright glow.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior Perception ContentsTitlePage no.Introduction01Model of consumer behavior02Physical influences within an individual03Motivation04Perception05Learning06Attitudes06Lifestyle06Social influences affect consumer behavior07Family07Social class07Reference group08Cultural factor affect consumer behavior08Culture08Subculture09Personal factors affect consumer behavior09Age and stage of life10Occupation10Life style10Individual are affected by the purchase situation11The-consumer adoption process11Factors influencing adoption process12Readiness to try new product and personal influence12Personal influence14Characteristics of the innovation14Organization's readiness to adopt innovation15Conclusion16Most economists assumes that consumers are economic buyers - people who know all the facts and logically compare choices in terms of costs and value received to get the greatest satisfaction from spending their time and money.This view assumes that economic needs guide most consumers' behavior.Samsung Galaxy Tab 1 0.1Note 10.1 was released on February 27, 2012 at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. This tablet was released in Saudi Arabia, Germany and the United Arab Emirates on August 6, 2012. Note 10.1, including 16, 32 and 64 GB of internal storage's goal and 2 GB of DDR3 memory. On August 16, 2012, Note 10.1 was launched in the United States, South Korea and the United Kingdom.A reformation to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean was made available, either as an over-the-air update or through Samsung Kies. Samsung somehow has standardized the interface with its TouchWiz UX software. Some Samsung apps offer a "Split screen" function by which two apps will share the screen of the tablet in a time.ChatON has basic features such as automatic enrollment friends, chat, text multimedia. Advantage ChatOn is having an...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Differences Between Centipedes and Millipedes

Differences Between Centipedes and Millipedes Centipedes and millipedes  seem to get lumped together in a miscellaneous group, simply, the critters that are not  insects or arachnids. Most people have difficulties telling the two apart. Both centipedes and millipedes belong to the subgroup of multilegged creatures called myriapods. Centipedes Within the myriapods, the centipedes belong to their own class, called chilopods. There are 8,000 species.  The class name originates from the Greek cheilos, meaning lip, and poda, meaning foot. The word centipede comes from the  Latin  prefix  centi-, meaning hundred, and  pedis, meaning foot. Despite the name, centipedes can have a varying number of legs, ranging from 30 to 354. Centipedes always have an odd number of pairs of legs, which means no species has only 100 legs as the name suggests.   Millipedes Millipedes belong to a separate class of diplopods. There are about 12,000 species of millipedes.  The class name is also from the Greek, diplopoda which means double foot.  Although the word millipede derives from the  Latin  for thousand feet, no known species has 1,000 feet, the record holds at 750 legs.   Differences Between Centipedes and Millipedes Besides the number of legs, there are a number of characteristics that set centipedes and millipedes apart.   Characteristic Centipede Millipede Antennae Long Short Number of legs One pair per body segment Two pairs per body segment, except for the first three segments, which have one pair each Appearance of legs Visibly extend from sides of body; trail backward behind body Do not visibly extend from body; rear leg pairs in line with body Movement Fast runners Slow walkers Bite Can bite Do not bite Feeding habits Mostly predatory Mostly scavengers Defensive mechanism Use their fast moves to escape predators, injects venom to paralyze prey and can squeeze prey with back legs. Curls body into tight spirals to protect their soft undersides, head, and legs. They can burrow easily. Many species discharge a smelly and disgusting-tasting liquid that drives off many predators. Ways That Centipedes and Millipedes Are Alike Although they vary in a lot of ways, there are some similarities between centipedes and millipedes like belonging to the largest phylum in the animal kingdom, Arthropoda. Body Similarities Besides both having antennae and many legs, they also breathe through little holes or spiracles on the sides of their bodies. They both have poor vision. They both grow by shedding their external skeletons, and when they are young, grow new segments to their bodies and new legs each time they molt. Habitat Preferences Both centipedes and millipedes are found throughout the world but are most abundant in the tropics. They require a moist environment and are most active at night. Meet the Species The giant Sonoran centipede,  Scolopendra heros, which is native to Texas in the U.S., can reach 6 inches in length and has sizeable jaws that pack quite a punch. The venom can cause enough pain and swelling to land you in the hospital and can be very dangerous to small children or  individuals that are sensitive to insect toxins. The giant African millipede,  Archispirostreptus  gigas, is one of the largest millipedes, growing up to 15 inches in length. It has approximately 256 legs. It is native to Africa but rarely lives in high altitudes. It prefers forest. It is black in color, is harmless and is often kept as a pet. Generally, giant millipedes have a life expectancy of up to seven years.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Asian art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Asian art - Essay Example Another difference is in the materials used. Simply by taking a detailed look at the Vairocana Buddha, one can begin to notice several significant elements of this piece that distinguish it as a unique piece of art even though it portrays a familiar and often reproduced (in smaller scale) image. Unlike many of the other Buddha statues that are made of a single block of stone, this statue is constructed in such a way that its natural life process has only contributed to its ability to communicate. It is made of hollowed out cedar wood coated, lacquered and then painted with gold leaf or paint. With the lacquer layer working to reflect any light that penetrates through the gold layer, this statue would have gleamed in any kind of illumination, presenting its viewers with a dazzling display of unearthly beauty and light that would chase itself and play along the different curves, angles and lines of the various sections of the piece. It’s approximately life-sized, which gives it an awesome power in its presentation, but also a familiarity and approachability that a larger statue might not have. It invites you to take a closer look and to get to know it on a personal level. The effect of the wearing surfaces, with gold remaining on some areas of the statue but exposed wood appearing in other areas, serves to heighten the experience for me. Although it wasn’t necessarily a part of the original intent, this aging effect immediately conveys the idea of ancient wisdom and abiding endurance.

Art and gender Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Art and gender - Assignment Example Men are depicted to be more aggressive and adventurous than women. Conversely, women are portrayed as more affectionate and nurturing (Bar-on et al, 2001). They are also ‘sex objects’; they are shown wearing skimpy clothing most of the times and tend to be pursued sexually more often than men. The message also emphasizes the physical appearance of the women, depicting them as passive and seekers for men attention. These views are consistent with Kalof research findings (Bar-on 191-194). Notably these are not the only images of gender roles young men and women are exposed to while enjoying the visual entertainments. Music video No More Drama by Mary J. Blige tries to depict women in a more empowering manner. The gender stereotypes images shown does not necessarily affect different views by both male and women. Kalof study involved young, educated white college students; thus this result does not apply to other racial groups, social classes or people with less education. In addition Kalof (378-385) study focused to prove if sexual images on videos affected people based on their gender. However, in her article she refers to the participants as women or men, which are terms used to describe one’s biological sex rather than male and female. In light of this indistinctness one’s biological sex can probably be the link to one’s sexual attitudes and not the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Public Relation report project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Relation report project - Essay Example The ESC accepts volunteers from all walks of life while the AFS Species Committee employs scientists and researchers. When these people work hand in hand for the conservation of the Cypress Crayfish, it is possible that the scientists from the AFS may tend to overpower the volunteers from the ESC. Conflicts may arise. They have a single motive of conserving the crayfish but their ways and means are different. The animals that ESC supports includes a variety of species while the AFS supports the species in the marine ecosystem so the focus may differ since the ESC have other programs aside from supporting programs for Cypress Crayfish. Since this organization is being governed by 3 U.S. Geological Survey scientists and 13 other colleagues and the funds are partly provided by the government and other donations given to them by private sponsors or donors, there may arise conflicts of interest not particularly coming directly from these scientists and colleagues but from the people who financially support them. The ESC is now having problems with their reduced government allocated funds from $146.1 million to $ 140.6 million.

General principles of contact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

General principles of contact - Essay Example There is also an objective and subjective component. The objective test relies on whether or not an "independent observer, appraised of the background facts known to the parties, would consider there to have been an agreement, and if so what agreement".2 It is beneficial to reduce an agreement expressly, or in written form, where there will be little doubt to its existence and content or terms.3 Where there are doubts, however, the law uses a two-fold process of offer and acceptance.4 Firstly, an offer intends to make a contract. For an offer to be complete, there must be an intention, it must be communicated, and it must be certain and complete. No further steps are anticipated. "I accept" will form a contract. It will not be an offer if the offeree does not hear it from the offeror.5 The offer may be destroyed by withdrawal by the offeror, a lapse of time specified by the offeror, or at a reasonable time after being made, and also by being superseded by a subsequent offer (by offeror or offeree), or lastly being rejected by the offeree.6 Offers must be distinguished from an invitation to treat. An invitation to treat gives the offeree a chance to make an offer to purchase the item. Some examples include: Advertisements or shop displays.7 Unilateral offers are contracts where the acceptance and performance are simultaneous, and takes the form of: "If you do this then I promise that" (examples: rewards and tenders). The contract is unilateral because only the offeror is bound.8 Until the offeree performs, he/she has not accepted. When performance has happened, the offeree has nothing left to do.9 However, there are problems with unilateral offers. The normal rule is that you can revoke until communication of acceptance, which may lead to unfair results. The "Walking to York" example suggests that you must walk all the way to York in order to have accepted the unilateral contract. Thus, walking 80%, or partial walking, is not acceptance. Performance then must be complete or the offer can be revoked.10 Partial completio n, however, may give rise to quantum meruit, which allows for the offeror to revoke the offer but to award the offeree a reasonable value for the time and effort he has put in up to the time of revocation. It is usually imposed to avoid the unjust enrichment of one party at the expense of another. For there to be a valid acceptance of an offer, there must be a mirror image of the offer without adding anything new.11 The communication of acceptance must be expressly or impliedly dictated.12 Silence is not acceptance.13 In order for a contract to be considered binding there must be consideration. The Pollock definition of consideration is: "An act or forbearance of one party, or the promise thereof is the price for which the promise of the other is bought, and the promise thus given for vale is enforceable." There must be a benefit - detriment component to show a causal link. The case of Thomas v Thomas states that "consideration means something which is of some value in the eye of the law, moving from the plaintiff to defendant. It may be some benefit to the plaintiff or some detriment to the defendant".14 More specifically, however, the formation of a straightforward civil engineering contract follows a similar process. It may proceed in the following stages: invitation to tender; tender or

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Scientific Looking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Scientific Looking - Assignment Example The computer and other technological appliances control me just as how a cyborg is controlled by technological machines. One cannot survive even a single day without using the internet (Creager 19). Radical feminism is a phenomenon that explores patriarchy as a system of power. It focuses on inequality between men and women in the patriarchal system. In radical feminism theory, there is the social dominance of men as the men are seen to have more power and privileges.AS technology advances, radical feminism is seen to decline (Creager 39). Both the male and the female gender are becoming more liberalized hence the two genders becoming equalized. Socialist feminism focuses on the public and the public sectors of a woman’s life. The theory argues that it is only through working to end the cultural and the economic sources of women’s oppression that liberation will be achieved. As technology advances, social feminism is declining because women are now seen to engage in activities that men engage in both economically and socially. Ecofeminism is a concept that explains the movements that bind ecology and feminism. The theory explains the connections between nature and women (Creager 109). An example is when women come together and start a campaign about the importance of conserving and planting

Strategic Solutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Solutions - Essay Example In Apple Inc., executives take advantage of a large number of college leavers by offering them low wages compared to their contributions besides denying them other employment benefits like commissions. In addition, despite Apple being among well-paying companies, wages paid to employees do not correspond to the sum the fetch for the company, hence the saying ‘Long on Loyalty but Short on Pay’.Most of the Apple’s capital is in the pockets of few, hence leading to wealth inequality in the country. The company does not provide job security too because an employee’s period in the company is very short-lived, mostly two and a half years. This is to the extent of quitting employment in Apple retail shops seems to be the best option for most employees due to the high rate of exploitation in the company. Correspondingly, Apple does not offer commissions to its workers and limits time for taking breaks. Although all this happens to create more wealth, employees earn less while key managers pocket large sums of money. At some point, the majority of employees realize that they will not rise as high as they can due to these limitations. This renders most of them becoming demoralized because they are not seeing any future advancements in the company.As exposed in the video ‘Wealth inequality in US’, local citizens work tirelessly towards enriching themselves in numerous corporations but end up earning less. Much wealth goes into the pockets of a few people holding high positions in these corporations.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Scientific Looking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Scientific Looking - Assignment Example The computer and other technological appliances control me just as how a cyborg is controlled by technological machines. One cannot survive even a single day without using the internet (Creager 19). Radical feminism is a phenomenon that explores patriarchy as a system of power. It focuses on inequality between men and women in the patriarchal system. In radical feminism theory, there is the social dominance of men as the men are seen to have more power and privileges.AS technology advances, radical feminism is seen to decline (Creager 39). Both the male and the female gender are becoming more liberalized hence the two genders becoming equalized. Socialist feminism focuses on the public and the public sectors of a woman’s life. The theory argues that it is only through working to end the cultural and the economic sources of women’s oppression that liberation will be achieved. As technology advances, social feminism is declining because women are now seen to engage in activities that men engage in both economically and socially. Ecofeminism is a concept that explains the movements that bind ecology and feminism. The theory explains the connections between nature and women (Creager 109). An example is when women come together and start a campaign about the importance of conserving and planting

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Movie review paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Movie review paper - Essay Example Finch was a lawyer by profession, who accepted the case when asked by the town’s judge to represent a negro man, Tom Robinson, going to be charged with rape of a white girl, Mayella Ewell. Finch loses the case and Robinson gets killed by Sheriff Tate’s deputy while attempting escape. Despite contradictory evidence, the jury comprised of white men found Tom guilty as charged, who was later killed by Sheriff’s deputy while attempting escape. Later, Mayella’s father, Bob Ewell, attacked Scout and Jem but was killed by Radley. Sheriff persuaded Finch that killing Bob was in children’s defense and reported that Ewell fell on his knife. This essay aims to analyze and discuss facts of the cases depicted in the film, the significance and relevance of the roles played by prosecution and plaintiff in the courthouse, the entertainment value of the film and how it relates to the real world, the accuracy in depiction of the legal system and the effects movies ha ve on public opinions (To Kill a Mockingbird). The case of State v. Robinson was central to the story of the film. Robinson was accused of committing crimes, i.e. raping and beating Mayella. According to the testimony of Sheriff Tate, Bob Ewell came to his office and reported that her daughter has been raped by a black man in his house. He went to the crime scene and saw that Mayella was severely beaten. She had abrasions on her head and arm, finger marks on her neck and black right eye, which occurred about half an hour before. She accused Robinson of the crimes and identified him. According to Mayella Ewell, Robinson helped her in chopping up an old chiffarobe for a nickel. She went inside the house to bring the nickel and when turned around, Robinson attacked, raped and repeatedly beat her. She struggled and screamed and then saw her father standing over her asking who did it. According to Bob Ewell, he was coming home from the woods and heard Mayella screaming upon reaching the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Public Service Essay Example for Free

Public Service Essay Public service is has long been considered to play a key role in the improvement of social and economic development in any countries (ILO, 1996). For this case, the type of public service presented is somehow very effective in terms of sending the correct procedure to the individuals who need such task assistance. For the children of the day care canter, the time frame of Friday is best suited for public service since this might be the busiest day for such an institution. Considering that most of the students may be too excited for the coming weekend. Therefore, having a persons or group of person assist them in their activities in class can provide a worthwhile experience.   Also, the schedule 3:00 to 5:00 pm is a very good choice since afternoon schedules are somehow more lenient in accepting additional work when all other important activities have been prioritized earlier in the day.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The public service type of task with two types of activity based schedule is also a very good choice. The kids will be able to choose the type of activities they want to be engaged with which will make them more independent and will acquire a greater sense of responsibility. The first hour lets them listen and read to the story while having an option to still play. On another hour, homework assistance is also available which will make the time very productive. If ever they opt to first do their homework with the public servant, they will have more time to enjoy the rest of the day and probably the whole weekend playing. Overall, the type of public service program is very much adapted to the lifestyle of the student in the day care center setting.   References ILO. 1996. Public Service Background. Retrieved December 7, 2007 from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Environmental challenges of the airline industry

Environmental challenges of the airline industry The airline industry has to face one of its biggest challenges yet, in a world today of global recession, global warming and increasing shortages of raw materials. These factors as well as other challenges included in the analysis of the marketing environment of Aer Arann will be explained, so that to analyse how it can succeed and survive among its competitors. PESTEL: Political The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is a step to face climate change and it aims to control industrial greenhouse gas emissions. It was launched in 2005 and it imposes a limit on the total amount of gas emissions that a factory or other systems are allowed to have. So companies can receive emission allowances which they may sell or buy when it is needed. The Airline industry will join the scheme in 2012 since it contributes increasingly to climate change. Emissions in this industry were increased by 100% from 1990 to 2006 (, 22/11/2010). This situation creates a long-term challenge for Aer Arann, because their costs will increase. Fortunately in 2006 Aer Arann made a purchase of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬180 million for ten new ATR 72-500 aircraft which are environmentally friendly since they have lower emissions of CO2, because of reduced fuel burn. They use up to 70% less fuel than other jets travelling the same routes. However they will still have to comply to the new em issions regulation so their costs will increase (, 22/11/2010). Garry Cullen, Managing Director stated: Aer Arann is committed to the principles of energy efficiency. Whilst the contribution of the aviation industry towards global warming is significantly less than other large polluters, our new ATR aircraft are recognised as the most fuel efficient aircraft in their category, emitting 20% less CO2 per passenger-km than newer jets. The ATR operates more efficiently than jet aircraft on short-haul routes (, 22/11/2010). Economic During the economic crisis customers do not travel so often whether it is for leisure or business so the demand falls. Aer Aranns passenger numbers went down by 20% in 2008 and that is why they announced 20% sale at that time even though a few months earlier they had carried a record number of passengers (, 23/11/2010). The subject of the annual general meeting of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in Berlin 2010 was that Airlines look to overcome industry turbulence and cope with an oil price spike, a big drop in passenger numbers due to the global downturn and the volcanic ash cloud recently in Europe. Despite all these negative factors, IATAs latest figures show that global air traffic is back at the levels it was before the recession started. However profit margins for airlines are still tight (, 23/11/2010). Article reporter states: Northern Ireland has become one of the fiercest battlegrounds in the cut-price flight business. Budget airlines argue that the recession could actually be helpful for them in the long term for the reason that business travellers would switch to low-fares carriers ( 23/11/2010). Exchange rate variations can affect demand for air transport because customers will prefer to purchase a ticket when the rate will be better for them. Aer Arann operates a route from LOrient to the UK so it is significantly affected as pound to euro currency can change. Much of the initial growth and success of the company is due to the fact that Aer Arann has a competitive advantage among its competitors. Much of this development is due to the company being awarded Public Service Obligation (PSO) routes by the government (D.Jobber, 2007, p.66). PSO routes are given by the government to the airline to create access to and from specific regions which were not supported by commercially operated services (D.Jobber, 2007, p.66). The PSO routes are aiming to encourage tourism and business travellers to access these regions by air and not only with other means of transport. When an airline is awarded with a PSO route it has exclusivity on it for three years, so it is a good source of profit. Aer Arann gained almost à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬18.5 million from PSO routes in the past (D.Jobber, 2007, p.66). Aer Arann was awarded by the Irish Government to operate in Ireland nationally, from Dublin to Galway, Sligo, Donegal and Kerry (D.Jobber, 2007, p.66). Some of thes e locations are airports with shorter runways and this is an advantage for Aer Arann because of the small aircraft it operates. However PSO routes are awarded for three years only so Aer Arann should not be based on them on the longer term. There is not so much competition in PSO routes from other airlines when they do not have permission from the government except Loganair which operates some of the PSO routes in Ireland. Socio-cultural The airline industry as we know from the past can be affected negatively by global socio-cultural factors such as diseases and terrorism attacks. Some of them are the SARS, swine flu, terrorism attacks in London and September 11th in New York (D.Jobber, 2007, p.66). For these reasons Airline companies and airports worldwide were challenged to evolve their policies and procedures and spent further costs and time in the safety of the customers (, 24/11/2010). The other aspect of socio-cultural factors affecting the airline industry has to do with trends, social structure, income and the culture in general of the customers. For example each individual will act in accordance with his/her social and geographical space and travel where friends will travel or where it is the best option for that season. So as the society changes, so must the airline industry if it intends to succeed. Technological Technology had a huge impact on consumers lives and companies profits. Technological evolution can offer opportunities for new product development and threats to existing markets. So marketing now is conducted differently because internet technology has allowed companies to communicate with the customers and distribute their product differently and more efficiently. This is called digital marketing (D.Jobber, 2007, p.67). In the case of Aer Arann the new product development is the online booking system they had launched successfully in 2006 and the threatened existing market are the travel agents. Online bookings are currently 80% of all Aer Arann sales (, 24/11/2010). Micheal OCallarain, Marketing Manager, Aer Arann said: We are continually looking at ways to enhance our service and believe that this new online functionality will prove invaluable to many of our passengers (, 24/11/2010). On the other hand it is not always a positive aspect because now consumers are more informed and have more access to information with a wider choice of airlines to choose from, so the airlines should lower their prices in order to compete with each other. Environmental One of the most important environmental factors concerning the world nowadays is global warming and climate change caused by greenhouse gases and this is why EU ETS exists. As every form of industry in the world has to consider this and comply with the emissions regulations so as the airline industry has to do it, at extra costs because it contributes to the air pollution (, 24/11/2010). Other physical environmental factors have affected the UK, the worldwide economy and especially airlines. The eruption of the Icelandic volcano a few months ago with the biggest ash cloud over Europe caused disruption for thousands of travellers in Europe and rest of the world (, 24/11/2010). At that time most of the EU countries were not allowed to operate any flights, so the effect on costs of the airlines was huge (, 24/11/2010). Met Office issued severe weather warnings for icy roads and snow for central and eastern Scotland and eastern parts of Northern Ireland these days. Several flights have been cancelled in the north of England after more heavy snowfall and Durham Tees Valley Airport and Newcastle Airport were closed (, 29/11/2010). The increasing shortages of raw material, specifically oil is another environmental factor which is not in favour of Aer Arann. Oil is a non-renewable source and it is impossible for most industries to exist without it. Fluctuations in oil prices happen all the time depending on different factors, therefore an increase in price will mean that Aer Arann should be prepared for it in the long run, unless a contract with its supplier is signed which will state a standard price for a long time. However a positive aspect to this factor is that Aer Arann is operating the ten new ATR 72-500 aircraft which are much more economical and need less fuel than other jets. So an increase in prices will affect more other airlines and less Aer Arann. It is worth mentioning here the economic situation in Ireland since Aer Arann is an Irish Carrier and it is affected. Reuters states that oil increased to a two-week high after the European Union approved a rescue plan for Ireland. Oil lost its upward cha nge after rising for two weeks as the rescue plan for Ireland failed to calm the concerns about the health of other EU members (, 29/11/2010). Legal The government has increased taxation of the airline industry. The Independent states that the increase in 2010 of Air Passenger Duty (APD) will make family holidays unaffordable for many (, 27/11/2010). It certainly has to be the last time that the travelling public faces APD rises. Some also suggest replacing APD with a per-plane tax, so customers could choose between airlines but not all the travel industry will agree on this. From the 1st of November 2010 passengers will have to pay for APD a percentage increase from 9% up to 55% depending on how many miles they are travelling in contrast with last year (, 27/11/2010). This is why in such economic situations people prefer to travel by car, bus or train to closer locations for holidays rather than by plane so airline industries are concerned (, 29/11/2010). Aer Arann ´s customers will have to face these new taxes but these shouldn ´t cause high price rise because Aer Arann is a regional airline which operates in the UK, Ireland and some routes from LOrient. So its customers will not have to worry for APD up to 55% since they do not travel so many miles. PORTER ´S FIVE FORCES Threat of Entry Existing airlines such as Aer Arann are not concerned so much about new entries in the airline industry but are more concerned with the existing competition they have from similar types of airlines operating the same routes and have similar prices. In the airline industry there is not so much thread of new airlines since the costs for new entries are huge. The required initial capital is massive, professional experience in this field is required, operation costs are huge and the assets and financing will cost a lot as well. Furthermore airline companies need to comply with EU and International regulations and they need approval for flight operations. Threat of substitutes The more actual or potential substitutes exist for the product, the more unattractive the segment is (Kotler, 2009, p.305). Aer Arann does not only compete with other airlines but also with other modes of transport since it is a regional airline. These substitutes for air transport are road, rail, bus and ferry (D.Jobber, 2007, p.69). These substitutes affect the prices that Aer Arann offers and its profits. The advantage of air travelling is that it is much faster, although increased delays at airports due to safety precautions and air traffic control delays have lengthened the time needed. These substitutes may need more time to arrive to each destination but they cost much less and this is why Aer Arann has so low prices and makes offers and discounts. Business travellers are more likely to choose the airline transportation since they have to get to their destination quickly and they do not always worry about the extra cost because their companies may pay for it. Leisure traveller s are more likely to choose the other modes of transport since they are cheaper or they might want to enjoy the journey. Bargaining power of buyers A product or service becomes unattractive when buyers have strong bargaining power. This power becomes stronger when buyers are better informed so they are more selective, when switching costs are low, or when buyers are price sensitive because of the recession. The way they become more organised is the internet, so the best option for AerArann is to make superior offers (Kotler, 2009, p.305). Buyer power in PSO routes is not so strong because Aer Arann was awarded four out of six PSO routes in Ireland. However there is competition in commercial routes by Ryanair and Loganair. This is where buyer power is high because switching costs are not much or even in some cases Rynairs prices are lower. For example the ticket price from Aer Arann for the 1st of December 2010 to travel from Dublin to Edinburgh costs  £139.99 but from Ryanair costs only  £44.99 same day, same route (,, 29/11/2010). Bargaining power of suppliers The threat from bargaining power of suppliers is high for Aer Arann. Suppliers are becoming more powerful since there are few or no substitutes at all and the product is an important input. The product in the case of Aer Arann if fuel which is an absolute necessity for airlines. Aer Arann has to deal with unstable prices because of the limited amount of oil reserves. The best way to face this problem is to have good relationships with the suppliers and sign a contract with them for a certain period of time at a reasonable price so that Aer Arann will not be affected when oil prices are increased again. Airports are also considered as a high power supplier. Aer Arann has to face increasing charges from the airports is operates. These charges include runway movement charge, aircraft parking, air bridge use and passenger charge. Dublin Airport and Shannon Airport are considering increases in charges (,, 29/11/2010). Aer Arann should create trustworthy relationships together with the airports and this is why a five-year deal was announced with Southend Airport (, 29/11/2010) Competitive Rivalry Competitive rivalry is a challenge that Aer Arann has to consider in order to succeed. There is not much competition on PSO routes except from Loganair which operates two PSO routes. On the commercially operated routes there is a lot of competition mainly from Ryanair, Aer Lingus and British Airways. However Aer Arann and Aer Lingus have announced a franchise agreement between them for specific routes (, 28/11/2010). Aer Arann is known as one of the fastest-growing regional airlines in Europe because of the strategy it follows and the competitive advantage it has (D.Jobber, 2007, p.66). The strategy of the company includes no chech-in fees, lowest check-in time in Ireland, allocated seating and direct flight to where customers want (, 28/11/2010). A disadvantage emerging from the competition is that Ryanair is considered a leading low cost operator and this is justified by some lower cost offers than Aer Arann so it is a big challenge. However Ryanair operates larger types of aircraft so they are not able to use shorter runways as Aer Arann and Ryanair will have to spend much more for emission allowances. (2) What marketing recommendations would you make to Aer Arann in order for it to enjoy sustained and ongoing commercial success? One of the most important aspects and key factors for the success of Aer Arann is the leadership and governance structure. Through the development of an excellent leadership the company is guaranteed to go the right way in the future. The experience and capabilities of employees are ingredients to the successful running of the business. Quality in the management of the company is crucial in order to face the challenges of the future, to make the right decisions when required and most importantly to push the business forward rather than let it fall down to the bottom when harsh situations arise. Another suggestion which also has to do with the companys actors, concerns the right selection of employees. The companys employees can be described as valuable assets because they affect directly the good will and reputation of the company. The relationship between customers and employees is very important in order to achieve long-term and repetitive sales and therefore profit maximization. Therefore, careful selection of the staff is required and qualifications such as professionalism, willingness, friendliness and courteousness, should be fundamental criteria. The promotion of Aer Arann through the various travelling and business magazines is another suggestion to boost the performance of the business. A range of marketing strategies such as special offers, discounts and awards can be promoted on the website of the company, in order to attract the attention of the customers. For example, to make the company well-known through internet advertisements, online social networks and Google. Aer Araan should seek for the best supplier option and build good relationships with them. If the company enters into a contract with its fuel supplier for supplying them with fuel for an agreed price over a certain period, then the company will be able to save costs from the rising prices for fuel. Also, another important idea for Aer Arann, will be to watch carefully the activities of their competitors in order to be prepared for their strategies. By keeping an eye on the progression of other companies, will help them not only to predict but also to compete with their activities. For example, Rynairs low-cost fares offers during selected days of the week will be a good starting point to be replicated. Furthermore, the creation of a loyal customer award scheme is another strategic proposal for the company. It will work on the basis of collecting points when buying a ticket and after a completion of a certain amount of points the customer will be able to exchange those points with a free ticket or a discount on a ticket. By applying this scheme, the company will attract more customers and also will secure returning customers. In the field of the corporate social responsibility of the company, there is a proposal to associate itself with green activities. The awareness of our society for the environment has increased significantly over the past decades and any kind of help from the company would be appreciated by the customers and the society as a whole. For example, short-term campaigns that will donate a small amount from the price of the ticket for environmental purposes can be organised periodically. This will significantly help to improve companys reputation. Another idea that the company can adopt, is the involvement with the sports teams of the country. Aer Arann can attempt a partnership with sports teams in Ireland or the UK and be the exclusive airline for these teams. Also they can be sponsors of important sports events and teams in order to promote the company and strengthen their reputation. Finally, the company is suggested to assess which routes are more profitable and minimize the number of flights which are less profitable and even suspend those which are non-profitable. Moreover, the company in order to be able to develop and produce what customers demand, is suggested to carry out some customer-satisfaction and evaluation researches which will be focusing on aspects such as customer satisfaction, services assessment, opinion about the prices. Then the company will be able to improve any weaknesses.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Dying for Love in Of Love and Other Demons by Gabriel Garcia Marquez E

Dying for Love in "Of Love and Other Demons" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Based on part of the XVIII century, when the prevalent times of the Spanish Inquisition dominated the powers of the society and the people was ruled by an orthodox way of thinking, Gabriel Garcia Marquez gives birth to "Of Love and Other Demons". According to The American Heritage Dictionary, Inquisition was a former Roman Catholic tribunal established to suppress heresy. The term Heresy originally meant a belief that one arrived at by oneself (Greek hairesis, "choosing for oneself"), and it is any religious doctrine opposed to the dogma of a particular church, especially a doctrine held by a person professing faith in the teachings of that church. Surrounded by many cities, such as Lima, Portobelo and Veracruz, "Of Love and Other Demons" takes place in Cartagena-Colombia, a small city on an island formed by shallow extension of the harbor, and surrounded by a 12 meters (40 ft) thick wall. This city still is a cultural relic, which nowadays preserves some of the stone-built structure s characteristic of the era. "Of Love and Other Demons" reflects how differences in cultures affect people's thoughts as well as what effects it may cause to the society when ruled by a major power. Garcia Marquez, winner of the Nobel of Literature of 1982, has a certain kind of power over the readers. He involves them in a very visual and fantastic space, where the expressiveness and dominance of the language makes the reader stay on his or her way to the end of the story. In a place such as Cartegena, a typical South American town where the popular siesta, the hammock and the huerto of los naranjos, bring up the life of the natural environment; the author relates the story ... ... personalities were shared, since in the time of inquisition, they were ruled by religious and Catholic thoughts that were nothing else that a mirror of non-free life that all citizen should follow. Both the Marquis and Bernarda die turning crazy on each corner of their lives, but the love that the Marquis tried to give once will remain alive although his daughter is not aware about it. Sierva Maria was not possessed by the demons, since at the end of the novel, Garcia Marquez specifies that she dies of love, pulling the grapes off not one by one but two by two, hardly breathing in her longing to strip the cluster of its last grape. Desperation is following her everywhere she goes within her mind, and love and demons cannot pertain to each other, cultures can. Works Cited: Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. Of Love and Other Demons. New York: Penguin Books, 1995.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Role of Internet / Web Technology on Modern Public Administration

Role of Internet / Web Technology on Modern Public Administration The Internet has become as one of the most important form of communication media in and among public administration. Communication is an essential part of every field. The effects of web technology on how we communicate in the field of Public Administration on wider biases. Public Administrators communicate easily and fast way with the use of internet. Such as, they delivered a matter or message in a minute by an email.Business meeting are done by video conferences such as, if someone is not present in the meeting, we can communicate with, we can see and listen his comments with the use of internet in just a minute. Public administrators can access everywhere all over the world through internet. They can reach both rural and global areas. They can get the every type of information from internet. They can watch, listen, and read the news from internet. They can access the international markets and international affairs. The construction and management of the World Wide Web sites are becoming essential elements of modern public administration.Administrators are now facing a great challenge. They are required to achieve new goals in an increasingly shorter time. But that is not mean to enhanced transparency, greater efficiency and higher levels of citizen services; they also want to reduce costs. Only web technology fulfills these requirements. Administrators should build modern systems for offices is their extensive use in the Internet architecture and the use of such elements, which ensure gathering of all information, security, and ease of data circulation and the possibility of their versatile use by authorized persons.Administrators should attend the conferences, where latest technologies are presented. Using these new technologies, the Authority may significantly reduce the cost of all transactions, improve efficiency, ensure transparency and accountability, as well as meet all expectations. R ole based access control (RBAC) is a technology that reduced the complexity and cost of security administration in large networked applications. The concept and design of RBAC is perfectly suited for use on both intranets and internets. It provides a secure and effective way to manage access to administration web information.Web technology allows administration to share with the public a variety of information in unlimited quantities on demand. Technology is also available to allow citizens to bring issues of concern to the attention of local, regional and national administration. However, exploiting these capabilities within administration systems is a challenge that surrounds environmental, policy, legal, and cultural issues. Establishing effective administration requires openness, transparency, collaboration and skill in taking advantage of the capabilities of the World Wide Web.The World Wide Web has an opportunity to provide guidance in support of administration objectives by p romoting existing open web standards and noting the challenges external to the web and technology. The World Wide Web also facilitates the development of new open web standards needed by administration in context. Public managers are looking for ways to fully exploit the advantages of Web services technology for improving service delivery. Now a day it is impossible to work without web technology in public administration. Impact of cyber Crime on Pakistan Economics Cyber crimes are increasing day by day in Pakistan from last some years.According to cyber crime unit, only few cases have been seen 4 to 5 years ago, but the ratio of these cases increased tremendously now. In Pakistan, the ratio of cyber crime is low as compared to developed countries. There are a number of cyber crimes in Pakistan including cyber pornography, sale of illegal articles, online gambling, intellectual property crimes, email spoofing, cyber stalking, forgery, unauthorized access to computer systems or netwo rks, theft of information contained in electronic form, virus attacks, Trojan attacks, Internet time theft, password cracking and financial cyber crimes.According to cyber crime unit, the hacking of ATM card numbers and bank accounts are tremendously rising in Pakistan. There are no effective systems to reduce these crimes. And number of crimes increases day by day in Pakistan. For this reason, no one wants to invest money in Pakistan. Foreign investors does not take interest to invest money, even they move their business from Pakistan to some other countries. Not only foreign investor, Pakistani investors also does not invest their money in Pakistan due to defective security system. Due to this, Pakistan lost hundreds of thousands jobs.The ratio of unemployment increased that affect the Pakistani economy badly. The ratio of inflation also increased due to this the value of Pakistani currency decreased. Tax and revenue system of government also affected due to this. Because governme nt lost the revenue in the shape of tax that they collected the companies removed. In short, Pakistan economy badly affected due to increased in cyber crimes. Government should want to make an effective system to removed cyber crimes. Federal Investigation Association (FIA), a cyber crime unit working in Pakistan to remove these crimes. _____________________________

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Differences Between Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson Essay

Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson’s works have numerous differences. Compared to Dickinson’s short and seemingly simple poems, Whitman’s are long and often complex. Both pioneered their own unique style of writing. Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson both have been hailed as original and unique artists. They each have distinctive voices that many have attempted to replicate and have been unable to do so. Whitman wrote in epic like proportions; he developed his own rhythmic structure, creating complex lines and stanzas. Whitman’s style of free verse become synonymous with his name and works, and helped distinguish him as a great American poet. By using free verse poetry, Whitman tore down the boundary and structure of traditional poetry with the rhythm of cadence, allowing all types of people to use poetry as a form of expression. Whitman’s poems tend to run on and on; there was no set length for his poems, stanzas, or even lines. Dickinson, on the other hand, wrote poems with a definite structure. She wrote ballad stanzas, which were four line stanzas alternating in iambic tetrameter and trimeter. So the structure of their poems is very different. Another difference between their poetry is the use of rhyme. As with structure, Whitman’s poetry has no rhyme. In this way Whitman also breaks from tradition. Dickinson’s poems, unlike Whitman’s, made use of slant rhyme. This is the use of near or approximate rhymes, and is a relatively modern idea. So this is yet another way in which they differ in style. First, the most forthcoming evidence of their differences would be the structure that the poets use to express themselves through. Whitman uses free verse in his poems. A clear representation of this is any excerpt from â€Å"Song of Myself†. This poem has a set rhythm, but no definite rhyme scheme. â€Å"The Yankee clipper is under her sky-sails, she cuts the sparkle and scud, / My eyes settle the land, I bend at her prow or shout joyously from the deck. † (Whitman- â€Å"Song of Myself 10. † lines 6-7) This makes the poem less appealing to read but leaves a lot more room for expression from the author. Dickinson, however, uses well planned out short lines of rhymes. Her poems don’t usually consist of many more than 6 words per line and are written in verse. This gives each poem an easier pattern and flow to comprehend. These poems may not sound as sophisticated, but are equally brilliant. â€Å"If you were coming in the Fall, / I’d brush the Summer by / With half a smile, and half a spurn, / As Housewives do a fly. † (Dickinson- â€Å"If you were coming†¦ His preoccupation with sex, the human body, and numerous other â€Å"taboo† subjects, changed the American publics view of poetry. Dickinson’s works are just as unique, due mainly to her odd placement of punctuation, unusual grammar, and simplicity of language. Her lines end abruptly, outwardly innocuous words are often capitalized, and her tendency to write meters typical of hymnals all distinguishes her from other writers Although they were both Romantics, Whitman and Dickinson were so different from each other. Whitman grew up reading a myriad amount of literary works, including Homer’s Odyssey and the Bible. His poetry is reflective of the works he read in his early years. Dickinson, on the other hand, learned how to read and write in a time period of male authority. Her poetry is metaphysical, and expressive of her soul. Together, Whitman and Dickinson marked a turning point in American poetry. In the poem, â€Å"Song of Myself,† Whitman opens with an oceanic scene of a skipper who struggles to save the weary passengers of a sinking ship that is hit by a violent storm. As the skipper watches the wrath of the storm, Whitman uses personification to bring life out of the scene. â€Å"How the skipper saw the crowded and rudderless wreck of the steam-ship, and Death chasing it up and down the storm† (Whitman 1). The death that chases the ship up and down the storm is the waves that relentlessly crash against the hull. In the same way that death is the end of life, the wrath of the waves is the end of the passengers. When the skipper cannot bear the tragic scene no more, and decides to save all the stricken passengers, Whitman uses a Biblical allusion to add a deeper meaning to the skipper’s heroic act. â€Å"How he follow’d them and tack’d with them three days and would not give it up, how he saved the drifting company at last† (Whitman 1). The skipper’s strife to save the drifting passengers for three days is an allusion to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the Bible, Jesus dies to save mankind from sin, and resurrects three days later. Whitman uses this Biblical allusion to bring the skipper up to the level of Jesus Christ, making the two saviors equal. As the skipper looks onward at the faces of the survivors, Whitman applies imagery to describe the passengers. â€Å"How the silent old-faced infants and the lifted sick, and the sharp-lipp’d unshaved men† (Whitman 1). The passengers that survive the ship wreck are no longer the same people that stepped foot on that ship. The image of old babies doesn’t describe their age, but their sense of maturity, even though babies cannot be mature. Likewise, the image of the sharp-lipp’d unshaved men doesn’t describe their lips and hair, but their burden of being unable to save their own families from the storm, even though that is the duty of a father. At first, it may seem as if the skipper is the sole hero in the poem, but that is not the case. Through â€Å"Song of Myself,† Whitman illustrates that a hero is not defined by an act of salvation, but rather by the hardship a person endures. The skipper and the survivors of the shipwreck are all heroes, because they endure a hardship nobody knows. The skipper endures the hardship of saving each passenger and the passengers endure the waves of the violent storm. Their endurance through troubling times is what counts them as heroes. In the poem, â€Å"Success is Counted Sweetest,† Dickinson centers all attention on an ambitious soldier who comes close to victory, but fails to grasp it in his hands. As the soldier lays wounded on the ground, Dickinson uses taste to interact the reader’s senses with the moment. â€Å"Success is counted sweetest by those who ne’er succeed† (Dickinson 1). Something that is sweet tastes very good, because it creates a very pleasing sensation. In the same way that a candy bar is sweet, success is also sweet because it feels good. However, Dickinson expresses that success is sweetest to those who almost reach it. Victory means the most to the wounded soldier because he comes so close to winning, but ends up losing. It’s as if he can almost taste victory, but his tongue never touches it. When the dying soldier sees the opposing army in victory, Dickinson adds irony to apply a deeper meaning to the poem. â€Å"Not one of all the purple Host who took the flag today can tell the definition so clear of victory† (Dickinson 1). The army that has the flag is the army that wins the battle. However, Dickinson expresses that the victorious army does not know the true definition of victory. This is ironic, because the one that wins should be able to describe victory, and the one that loses should be able to describe failure. It is not the other way around. As the soldier and his comrades listen to the sound of the other side’s victory, Dickson uses imagery to end the scene. â€Å"As he defeated – dying – on whose forbidden ear the distant strains of triumph burst agonized and clear† (Dickinson 1). The solider is dying on the ground from his battle wounds and he is in complete agony. However, his agony is amplified because the soldier can hear the sound of victory from the other side. This is more painful to him than his physical wounds, because their sound of victory is the impending sound of his failure. Although it may seem as if the heroes in the poem are the victors, the dying soldier is the actual hero. Through â€Å"Success is Counted Sweetest,† Dickinson illustrates that a hero is not defined by his victories, but by his sacrifice for a cause. The dying soldier is a hero because he sacrifices his life for the cause of his army. Likewise, the victorious soldiers are also heroes because they also sacrifice their lives for the cause of their army. It doesn’t matter which cause emerges victorious, because not every army succeeds. It’s because heroes don’t always win – they sacrifice. As the greatest Romantics of their age, Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson influenced American literature and poetry to the highest degree. Through his works, Whitman changed poetry by creating cadence and free verse. Again the long roll of the drummers, again the attacking cannon, mortars, again to my listening ears the cannon responsive† (Whitman ). By using free verse poetry, Whitman tore down the boundary and structure of traditional poetry with the rhythm of cadence, allowing all types of people to use poetry as a form of expression. Aside from Whitman, Dickinson was a lonely woman who wrote poetry to express her inner feelings. Having never found true love, she spent many days isolated from others, allowing her imagination to grow wild. She found ways to superficially describe objects, ideas, and feelings. However she only meant for her writings to remain in a box. Through her works, Dickinson expanded poetry by way of rhyme and meter. â€Å"If you were coming in the fall, I’d brush the Summer by with half a smile, and half a spurn, as Housewives do, a fly† (Dickinson 1). By using rhyme and meter, Dickinson opened American literature to women, showing that men were not the only ones who knew how to use ink and paper. Through her unique writing style, she took poetry to a higher level, making it a complete and concise language of the soul. Dickinson’s poetry followed a much stricter meter and rhyme scheme. She is known for her carefully worded and arranged poems. Many of Dickinson’s poems are in quatrains, which are four lines per stanza. Together, Walt and Emily are the reason behind today’s American literature. Although Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson could paint pictures with words, their contributions to American Romantic literature were not equal. They often wrote about the American hero, but both authors are the living American heroes. The greater author is Walt Whitman, because he didn’t solely speak for himself. He spoke and wrote for the American people. This is important because he wanted the voice of all American people to be heard as testimony to world peace. Dickinson, on the other hand, only hid in her house to write, not making her voice heard. She made poetry metaphysical, but Whitman made poetry powerful. Dickinson opened doors for women, but Whitman opened the houses of America’s ideology. Through cadence and free verse, or rhyme and meter, Dickinson and Whitman changed American Romantic poetry. However, Walt Whitman gains the title, Master of the Word. There are by far more differences in the writing styles of Whitman and Dickinson than there are similarities. One difference is the way they structured their poems. Basically, the structures of Whitman’s poem is the lack of any structure. Whitman’s poems tend to run on and on; there was no set length for his poems, stanzas, or even lines. Dickinson, on the other hand, wrote poems with a definite structure. She wrote ballad stanzas, which were four line stanzas alternating in iambic tetrameter and trimeter. So the structure of their poems is very different. Another difference between their poetry is the use of rhyme. As with structure, Whitman’s poetry has no rhyme. In this way Whitman also breaks from tradition. Dickinson’s poems, unlike Whitman’s, made use of slant rhyme. This is the use of near or approximate rhymes, and is a relatively modern idea. So this is yet another way in which they differ in style. First, the most forthcoming evidence of their differences would be the structure that the poets use to express themselves through. Whitman uses free verse in his poems. A clear representation of this is any excerpt from â€Å"Song of Myself†. This poem has a set rhythm, but no definite rhyme scheme. â€Å"The Yankee clipper is under her sky-sails, she cuts the sparkle and scud, / My eyes settle the land, I bend at her prow or shout joyously from the deck. † (Whitman- â€Å"Song of Myself 10. † lines 6-7) This makes the poem less appealing to read but leaves a lot more room for expression from the author. Dickinson, however, uses well planned out short lines of rhymes. Her poems don’t usually consist of many more than 6 words per line and are written in verse. This gives each poem an easier pattern and flow to comprehend. These poems may not sound as sophisticated, but are equally brilliant. â€Å"If you were coming in the Fall, / I’d brush the Summer by / With half a smile, and half a spurn, / As Housewives do a fly. † (Dickinson- â€Å"If you were coming†¦ Whitman began a new era in the writing world; he was the first not to conform to the usual standards of writing. His poems don’t have specific rhyming patterns, and some don’t rhyme at all, where as Dickinson’s poems fit more into the form that had been set at that time. Dickinson’s poems usually have at least two end rhymes in each stanza, which was usually how poetry was written. While Whitman’s poems are large and expansive, the lines long and visually descriptive, Dickinson’s works, in contrast, are highly compressed, squeezing moments of intense emotions and thought into tight four line stanzas which contract feeling and condense thought. Whitman doesn’t use metaphors in his poetry which creates a more democratic form of poetry, in which not has pride of place. His voice submerges and surfaces at odd intervals, losing itself in a†¦ She wrote her poetry for herself rather than others. Whitman tended to write as a representative of all the American people. Dickinson wished to reserve her poetry to herself, as she did not want her works to be judged by others. (Gall4) â€Å"Whitman sees the poetic act as a means of reconciling the solitary self with the world while Dickinson views consciousness as always at war with a recalcitrant, ultimately alien and unknowable universe. â€Å"(Library Journal 82) While they vary in numerous ways, Whitman and Dickinson endure as this nation’s most prominent contributors to American poetry and are our greatest understanding of the distinctively American Essence One of the hallmark differences between them is in the length of lines they use in their poems. Characteristically, Whitman employs, and is indeed the master of, the long line. Dickinson, on the other hand, makes use exclusively of short, staccato, unadorned lines. A case can be made for the notion that a relationship exists between line length and the kinds of ideas expressed by these poets. The ideas Whitman presents in his poems are more individual, personal, and emotional, whereas Dickinson presents ideas which seem more universal and at times almost factual in nature. This basic difference between the two can be supported by examining a â€Å"typical† poem by each poet. When Whitman presents the idea of death in his poetry it is very personalized, almost to the point of being unique to him. In â€Å"Song of Myself,† stanza 49, he addresses Death directly: â€Å"And as to you Death, and you bitter hug of mortality, it is idle to try to alarm me† (Norton, p. 33, l. 1289). He admits that Death has the power to do as he wishes, to do him harm, to take him away in his â€Å"bitter hug of mortality,† but he will not be afraid. He is not readily resigning himself to Death, and he will certainly not be intimidated. â€Å"And as to you Corpse I think you are good manure, but that does not offend me† (Norton, p. 3, l. 1294). He sees the good that can come from Death. â€Å"I smell the white roses sweet-scented and growing, I reach to the leafy lips, I reach to the polish’d breasts of melons† (Norton, p. 33, ll. 1295-96). Furthermore, even though Death may take him now, killing him, bringing him down, â€Å"(No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times before)† (Norton, p. 33, l. 1298). He is going because he has no choice, but it is not the end, and he will argue and put up a fight. He will rise above the inevitable: Emily Dickinson, on the other hand, presents the idea of death in a much different way. In her poem, â€Å"Because I could not stop for Death,† one simple idea is expressed, that Death is inevitable. Because most people do not ask for Death, â€Å"He kindly stopped for me† (Norton, p. 52, l. 2). Then he went slowly about his business, taking her along with him on his journey. They passed by life, youth, children, and the fields and light of Earth. They â€Å"paused before a House that seemed / A Swelling of the Ground† (Norton, p. 52, ll. 17-18) before continuing â€Å"toward Eternity. † Not once does she fight the inevitable tug of death. She is going just like everyone else has gone and must go. It is a simple thing. There is nothing to be done about it, so go along just like everyone else. She is uninterested in persuading or in even discussing the subject. Instead she presents her idea as it is, almost factually – Death is here and I am going with him. She is resigned to her fate, a universal fate, not particularly personalized for her. In this case, it is almost a pleasant experience, a comfortable resignation to what is inevitable. We can see then that the long and complex lines of Whitman are used for deep and complicated and emotional expression. His ideas are seldom simple, but instead, multifaceted and sprawling in scope. They are steeped in individuality, rooted in and reflecting the frequently illogical fluctuations of personality. There is plenty of room in his lines for such expression. Whereas Dickinson, due in part to the abbreviated, staccato nature of her lines, is much more limited. There is no room in her poems to expand and explore, demonstrate, preach, convince, and implore. Yet both, needless to say, say what they must clearly and beautifully.

Berkshire Partners: Bidding for Carter’s Essay

1. Berkshire brought expertise in finding the right financing structure and operational and strategy related to the retail and manufacturing industry. Berkshire managers believed that the equity portion of a capital structure should be at least 25% to order to achieve the desired results as far as return and to show true commitment to the lending base. When determining the capital structure, they also seriously took into account such questions as: Is this the appropriate amount of leverage for a business of this type; what do the rating look like; how difficult will it be to get financing and what about financing costs? Once Berkshire had taken an equity position in a firm, Berkshire would help the firm management by prioritizing key objectives, improving organizational design, building a quality team of managers and aiding the integration process of a subsequent acquisition. Berkshire would add value up front with extensive due diligence, addressing opportunities for companies, and aligning strategically and building a strong relationship with management. Since Carter’s was an established business, they would receive a great deal of care and attention up front and then moderate to low oversight during the rest of the investment until exit. Berkshire also added value by exiting most of their investments by sale of a company instead of the typical IPO used by most private equity firms. Berkshire was more apt to facilitate an IPO in the middle of ownership with the intention of staying involved with the management and helping the company grow. Berkshire’s deep acquisition experience and familiarity with capital markets enabled very attractive financing to be put in place, as Berkshire solicited the views of a range of potential partners including Merrill, First Union, Lehman etc. in order to ensure the optimal financing structure. In addition, Berkshire had met with the Carter Management on two occasions and had a strong, open line of communication. Therefore, Berkshire should have a strong understanding of Carter’s goals. Ultimately, Berkshire used â€Å"internal and external resources to undertake a thorough planning process that both built a road map to guide management’s operating execution, but also served to coalesce the team around the significant potential inherent in the opportunities ahead of their company.† 2. Berkshire had developed a focus on â€Å"building strong, growth oriented companies in conjunction with strong equity incented management teams.† Carter’s was definitely financially strong as mentioned in the last question and growth orientated, as they recently diversified into the discount market for baby and young children’s apparel and were looking to move into the two to six year old playwear segments . They had shown success in a competitive, non-seasonal industry. Carter’s management team was disciplined and working to increase operating efficiencies by shortening development cycle and aiming to use 100% offshore sourcing in the near future. Management was also set on building on relationships with major customers (top eight wholesale customers represented 74% of wholesale revenue), and to continue to build profitable retail outlet stores. Berkshire liked the fact that Carter’s was a strong recognizable brand that could be leveraged across multiple channels and be viewed as a consumer products company. The only problem could be that Goldman Sachs was using a staple on financing structure. Berkshire felt this structure limited their ability to get an edge in the bidding process by bringing more creative financing deals to the table with Carter’s Investcorp wanted to exit the company in mid 2000 because they were at the end of a 5 year investing period and wanted liquidity in order provide quality returns for investors to set the stage for future financing. They could of went public (IPO) with Carter’s in 2001 but it would take over a year to exit the situation after the IPO and the IPO market was at a standstill. In addition, in summer of 2001 Carter’s was on the path to operational and financial success. From 1992 to 2000, the company increased revenue at a compound annual growth rate of 9.5% with EDITDA increasing 22.1%. Since Carter’s was bought by Investcorp, the firm had a improved brand recognition, a lower cost structure, expanded into the discount channel with Tykes, and the movement of some manufacturing operations offshore to reduce cost. These improvements and Carter’s ability to weather economic swings made the company a attractive commodity among financial buyers.